Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday September 30

Already yesterday was a good an productive day for my family. I went to see my endocrinologist. His name is Dr. Nelson Madrilejo. He works at the centennial medial group.  Susanne my nurse came with me. Anyway Dr. Nelson confirmed that my growth hormone treatment  that I have been receiving for the past three years had reached the end. He recommended to stop my daily shot and to check my blood again in a six weeks, just to be sure.

I shared this good news with Simona my wife and all the CNS staff.

I wrote a letter  in Italian  to Simona my wife to summarize the discussion from the visit.

Afterward I wrote a letter to our two sons. Chicco is 9 and Lapo is 5. Whenever I write to our sons I write in English and block letter so that they can read my letter. It is actually Chicco our eldest who reads it  as Lapo is too young, nevertheless I feel good writing to the both of them. 

For Lapo I normally prepare a very simple letter with drawing  and a few simple words.

Yesterday I went to the 24 fitness gym to do Kickboxing with Christie.
I started doing cycle with Lolita and it was then time to go back to the apartment.
Over there I met Richard and Lisa. 
I also met Larry and Janice ove. I snapped a picture of them being happy together.

They are really two good and trustworthy persons.
After ward it was time to go and we went back to the apartment.

Before going to bed a wished Buona notte to my family.

Today is a new day. I woke up early as usual to come to work.

My breakfast was as usual very fulfilling:

I did not call Simona my wife as yesterday she started her academic year so she was most definitely  busy with her daily activities and with our sons.

At the clinic I had   first  CR with Erica-sama. We went at Starbucks near the Walmart store.
Erica was driving her nice and ecological Prius.

Over there we worked on Cognitive Rehabilitation (CR).
As Sarah is telling me CR is PT for the mind.
I had the chance of getting a glass bottle of tea so I can recycle the bottle.
At the Starbucks no substance with cafee are allowed.

After ward I had Yoga with Amy.

Amy has two daughters, Madison 11 and Olivia 4. Madison turned 11 last Sunday.
As I have get in the habit to bring nice letter or stickers to her daughters, they have come to appreciate my gesture.

Here is me showing the nice drawing that I have received from Olivia and the very nice artwork that Madison made for me. It is a wallet! I am going to keep them dearly with me.

The artwork with find its place in my apartment and the wallet will become my wallet.

Speaking of wallet today was my pay day as well. Michael and CNS got my biweekly money for both outing and grocery. The program works very well you are required to keep all the receipts for the two weeks and use the money either for entertainment or for food,
So I appreciate you CNS and all the work that you are putting for us.
As Sarah is always telling me we are worthy of the effort.
I agree with all of you.
Enjoy the reading.
Have a great day.

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