Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Sept 15


Yesterday  we went to do recycle with my wife Simona. It is a good action for the environment.
When Simona came to visit me I gave her a flower and snapped this picture.

After recycle  we went to the Market place mall as it was really hot outside.

Simona came with  our youngest Lapo - now almost 5 year old.

And Chicco now 9 year old.

At the mall it was really cool and refreshing,
So my son Chicco snapped a picture of me being fine and Dandy!

At the mall we got a really good ice cream. We all had a ice cream.

Lapo got his cap. with some candies

Chicco got his ice cream plain

I have got my ice cream dressed with some piece of fruit.

At the mall our sons got also some  toys. There was the usual back and forth between Simona and Lapo. Lapo wanted to buy an very large toy, so Chicco convinced him to share the toys he selected. Lapo complied reluctantly, nevertheless complied. 

In the evening It was a Sunday and I went to the S. Francis Church here in town.

We went there with Mark driving the bus for us.
I like the church as it is always a nice experience for me going there.

Yesterday I greeted Mark and Amparo the couple that sing at the church quire.

I did not meet anybody else but I met God that is why I am going to church anyway. It is all good.

This morning breakfast his very yummy.

The good thing about being in a sabbatical year is that I am able to eat well!

This morning I left a nice letter to Sarah, my Case Manager here at CNS, together with Stickers with Ian her youngest son.

Alright enjoy the reading..
I need to go,
Gob Bless

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