Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Sept 29 2014

this is Giuseppe writing to you from my office at the clinic.
I have been working a lot during the weekend from home so you already know my activities of the past few days.

I would like to add my activities starting from yesterday evening.
As it was Sunday I went to the S.Francis Church on H Street.
We arrived early so I could seat down in a front row. As usual I met Coral at church and her family. She has several kids ranging 8 to 4. I remember she has a boy about 8 years old, then a couple of younger daughters. She knows me well and she trusts me. Coral calls me Joseph. The empathy  and the feeling of respect is  mutual. We trust each other. Or at least I feel she trusts me a lot.

At church I have greeted Amparo and Mark. They are the two person that sing at the local quire.
They are doing a really good job.

Antonio drove us to church.

After church  we came back to the apartment. I kissed good night to our kids and went to bed.

I had a good night and wake up early as usual.

This morning .I did my personal staff and had a good breakfast.
A healthy and productive day starts from a good breakfast.

As I was done I washed everything by hand, so that I could save water, power and respect the environment.

After ward I went to trough the trash that Dag had left for me and went on with my day.

I gave perfumed stickers to Jemena.

At the clinic Sarah my Case Manager here at CNS was in a meeting but had time for me  to quickly say good morning, I confirmed her that I was going to leave my letter with the stickers for Ian on her desk. She  knows  I have made a point to bring it to her every Monday. So here they are for you Sarah. Thank you a lot for your kindness and for your consideration.
Width all the respect you all deserve.

today Simona my wife starts her academic year again so she went to Caltech,

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