Saturday, September 6, 2014

Saturday September 6

let me go back to my salient activities of yesterday.
In the afternoon I went to the 24 fitness gym as it was Zumba night.
Over the teacher for Honey and also her daughter was with her at the gym. I was happy o see Honey's family as I ask about her whenever I see Honey.
At the gym I snapped a picture with Drashee at my right and with Salvia at my left  hand side.

Finally before leaving I snapped a picture with Jessica. She knows me and she also is always available to snap a picture with me.

While at the gym Marnita did my coverage, so I would like to acknowledge her work.
Today is a Saturday, so I took care of cleaning my apartment and doing all the house hold cleaning of the weekend. Changing my bed, washing my clothes and folding everything. 
I like to leave in a place that is clean.
Today my  breakfast has been really healthy and reach:

Afterward at 10:30 we went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
It is a healthy and nice place that I like very much.
Doing grocery shopping over there is always a blast.
As usual I have brought flowers to everybody. As I have also brought my reusable bags I got stickers for Simona. The sticker goes into a raffle box for an extraction. Today I brought a lot of bags so I had two tickets.
Today Simona took our youngest son Lapo to Soccer practice. Lapo is the gentlemen wearing a red uniform in this picture.

This morning I have made this little drawing for Lapo to commemorate his performance.

Chicco was at home, and right now they are both doing some sport.

As mentioned to you while at Trader Joe's I snapped a couple of pictures. I normally take picture of Jamie and the people over there. They know me and they trust me. they feel comfortable being with me in the picture. 
Jamie is the lady with the orange shirt standing next to me ( I am the guy with the Caltech hat from my wife)

Jamie confirmed that her daughter Delaney and Logan -Loggy -her youngest son are doing great.

The second picture today is of  Lisa. Lisa is the smiling lady at the check out counter.

Lisa always calls me Honey ! I think it is a cute way to refer to me. They told me that Lisa is a grandmother. As her daughter had a little baby.

I normally bring flowers to everybody, so over there I am very popular. It is always a feast for me to go to do grocery shopping as I always have a lot of fun.

While at trader Joe's  I have also collected some stickers for Ian, they are in my apartment over here. So on Monday I am going to leave it on Sarah's desk. This is our weekly routine. I know that if I forget she tells me it is OK, nevertheless I am making my best effort to remember and to keep track of it. Sara is my Case Manager here at CNS. She is an awesome person, and she is always looking for ways to make me feel comfortable and better. 

Tonight It is a Saturday so as every Saturday I will be going to the movie theater Maya.
I would like to see the movie When the game stands tall.

It is supposed to be a nice movie about accomplishment and will power. It is a real story about the longest winning streak in college football. It is about how to confront the fact that soon or later everybody looses its first place. So the way that makes it different is how we react and confront to the new situation.
I will let you know more once I have seen it.

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