Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday Sept 17 2014

Let me rewind to yesterday activities. As I had no personal shopping needs I went to the 24 fitness gym.  Over there I did bootcamp with Johnny. As usual I had a lot of fun.
As Drasdee was there as well, she allowed me to snap a picture of her smile. So here it is her smiling.

Drasdee is really a nice person always cool and always happy. 

After bootcamp I started to do step, as I am not clear to do the real step I used a flat surface and did my best.
At the gym they know my current capabilities  so everybody is looking out for my safety.
I worked out until 7pm when my coverage was over.
I was on time to go back to the apartment.

Before leaving I snapped a picture with Naomi the gym manager- she is the smiling lady on my left- and  with Tucker -she is the lady on my right with the red shirt.

Whenever I see Tucker and she is available I snap a picture with the Hawaiian sign for Hi.
Naomi is standing next to me with the thumb up.
They are all big supporters of me being better.

Today's is a good day as usual, I had my picture taken in the morning at the apartment to set the tone of the day.

At the clinic I worked  on my CR with my best effort (CR is PT for the mind-- Sarah it always telling me it). By the way Sarah is my Wonderful Case Manager here at CNS.

I had Yoga today with Amy leading the class. As usual I have brought stickers for her daughters. Olivia and Madison have about the same age as my two boys.  It is a small gesture of gratitude for her family. She is telling me that her daughters are enjoying my thoughts.

afterward I had a good lunch. I call my lunch a pure work of art. I had pasta penne with pesto and basil. I added  some baked eggplant  I have made the other day. The eggplant was sliced first then baked on the pan, finally soaked into olive oil with basil and garlic.

I had also a fruit salad I had made the other day.
As you can see I love cooking, Well as I have time to cook I am cooking a  lot by myself. Since my wife is super busy with her work and with the kids and I have time to focus on what I like to do most. Cooking for myself.

Earlier today I spoke with my mom Marta. She has returned back to our home town Verona from her long vacation at the beach.

At lunch time I have also spoke to our little son Lapo. Lapo is 6 and attends Kindergarten.
Lapo comes back at home for lunch, so I normally talk to him when it is time for me to eat.
Alright, In a little bit I will need to go.
Enjoy the reading.

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