Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday Sept 9 2014

let me start as usual from yesterday activities.

My dinner has been a very good and fulfilling one: baked Tilapia with crumbled bread and a healthy salad.
As you have understood by now I like cooking a lot. So I always prepare my meal in the house.

As it was a Tuesday and I had no Personal Shopping I went to the local  24 fitness gym.
I did boot camp with Johnny first, later I started doing step with Ellie and it was time to go.
For the step I paid attention to use a little step as right now I am not clear to use the higher step yet. Doctor order!

Well at the gym I had a lot of fun !

As usual I snapped a picture with Naomi, the manager. She told me her daughter had a game to attend yesterday evening.

Naomi is very patient with me, and she has had always a smile for me, she is always happy to see me working out over there. I must have collected at least two dozen of picture with her, She is still finding a moment for me and to wish me a good day. We stop cheat chatting about our families. We talk  about her daughter and her son. Her daughter is always busy.

The coverage at the gym was provided by Dee to whom goes my gratitude for her work.

Dee mentioned to me that she was looking for a new apartment for her and her new born daughter. Right now she is leaving with her mom and I have understood that she would like to have a place by herself with her significant other and her daughter.

This morning I woke up on time as usual and did a healthy breakfast. I was listening to NPR radio so I had a really good breakfast. I enjoyed my food and my daily routine. As usual I enjoyed my wonderful day, so filled for good and healthy staff.

In the picture next to the table I am missing our daughter who is out to attend college at Oregon State. She is over there to complete her training to become a Speech Pathologist as she would like to apply to CNS as well.
It is a wonderful opportunity for her to complete her class and to show that she cares about other people as well. I am sure she will find a good employment once she is done. I am sure that my Wonderful Case Manager Sarah will be able to suggest her a good lead. Sarah is always full of good suggestion, so our family with have a conference with her.

Going back to my therapy this morning I scored really high,
After all, there are very few over achievers in the world, and I am one of these over achievers.

I have conquered many hills in my long career, and as a matter of fact I am not afraid of the hills around. After all they are meant to be conquered. I look at the world from a top down view. Why .. well because this is my opinion and therefore it is valid to me.

I like to make fun of think and to joke around, why? because there is something about the truth in every little peace of joke.

Enjoy the reading!

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