Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday Sept 23

Alright, first of all today I have met Stacey. Steve's wife. She is a nice lady. She mentioned that her daughter Lauren is doing great.

Well let me go back to yesterday activities.
Yesterday evening before going to the gym I had a light dinner

Afterward I went to the 24 hour  fitness gym.
I did boot camp with Christi.
I had a lot of fun.
At the gym I met Damian. He mentioned he knows Christa  who works here att CNS.
Also I met Lynn and Richard.

I took a picture with Drashdee that I met over there. She is doing well. She agreed to stand next to me for a quick snapshot. I am the one with the hat.

We actually had another picture with the thumb up.

Drashee is a very positive and sweet person. 

Afterward as I had time I did cycle with Angie. I know it is a bit odd to have cycle on Monday, but as it was on the schedule and CNS offered me to stay I did it anyway.
Before leaving we snapped a picture together, as usual she has agreed to snap a smiling picture with me.
Angie is always at 100%  so it is always a lot of fun for me to take her class. Again I am the one with the green T-shirt.

After my class I have snapped a picture with another positive person.
Naomi is standing next to me. She has a pink shirt I am wearing green shirt and the Caltech hat from Simona my wife.

Well at the gym Marie-Anne came with me. She is a nice person to work with, so we worked together to communicate to base our whereabouts.

I know CNS is trusting me and I on the other hand trust and encourage all the people at CNS to learn.

It is a personal challenge, like they are telling us at the gym.. you have to challenge yourself to learn and to trust yourself.

Well yesterday before going to sleep I sent Simona my wife a nice email, to wish her a good night. I know she is going to read it today,so I slept well.
As usual Simona is always in my thoughts and prayer. She has a huge job as she is really tasked with bringing together the household by keeping track of our kids and by making sure I am safe and well.

To tell it all, Simona knows very well that at CNS I am very well, she knows that Sarah my wonderful Case Manager is always looking after me. Today as usual she greeted me at the entrance and I have brought to her a small thank you for Ian her youngest son.

So overall we are doing really good at CNS.
Thank you for reading.

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