Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday Sept 16 2014

first of all let me express my gratitude to CNS, to all the therapists and to Sarah my wonderful Case Manager.
Also my wife Simona is the real force behind me as she is always ready to put herself trough so much for the the family.

Today is Naveen Birthday he is 28 years old. Happy Birthday to Naveen!

Yesterday it was a Monday and I went to the 24 hour fitness gym to do Kickboxing with Christie. And as I had time I started doing cycle with Lolita. And afterward it was time to go, so I went back to the apartment. At the gym I met Damian, Richard, Georgia and Mary.

I had the chance of greeting Naomi the Manager and Tucker who was working over there with a customer. Naomi is the Manager of the gym she is the nice lady talking at the phone. She is always happy to see me attending the gym activities. Naomi told me the was going to leave after Thanksgiving. She is going to be a teacher and focus on her family.

I enjoyed very much my activities over there. While at the gym I met Larry pictured on my right hand side with me. I am the guy with the glass in this picture.

Also I snapped a selphie with Janice. She is Larry's wife.

The coverage was provided by Deee a NRS of CNS. She mentioned that she is happy and very busy as her baby keeps her free time very limited. Nevertheless she always has a smile for everybody.
So thank you Dee for your hard work.

Alright this morning I wake up early.
I have had my breakfast as usual with my family. As Simona wake up early to bring our Bambini to school.

As mentioned before Chicco is attending IV grade while Lapo is attending Kindergarten.
They both attend the  public school in La Canada.

At the clinic today we went to Starbucks  to do CR with Erica-sama. (Erica is spelled with a C not with a K as I use to do)
 She drives a nice Prius Car.

Over there I did my best in reordering the sentence I was given from the shortest to the longest words.

As I was there I was offered a little Treat. I selected a Tazo Tea so that I can recycle the glass.

At Starbucks I have also asked Erica to snap a picture of me with my home town Verona as a background. I am sure it is a nice opportunity to bring me back something from my past.

After CR, we had Yoga. I was Happy to see Amy. She is always a very positive and enthusiastic person. I like working with her and focusing on my current deficit. I am focusing on my left legs, foot and ankle as my stroke affected my right hand side portion of the brain.

Anyway it is time for me to go.

By the way today it was my pay day, so I have been paid. Thank you CNS for taking care of this matter.

Enjoy the reading as I have been enjoying documenting my whereabouts to you.

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