Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday September 1 LABOR DAY PART II

let's get back to talking a bit about me.
You my ask yourself why I am I here at CNS, in Bakersfield?

Well, this is a very good question.
Let me try to answer you by patching together the information I have in my head.

First of all  I am a very fortunate person to be alive today.
As everybody tells me God has a plan for everybody and for me as well. So I trust He is looking over everybody else and I shall include over me as well.

Second of all because I have a wonderful structure like CNS and a wonderful Case Manager like Sarah that allows me to stay here and to get better.

Third I have a wonderful family that has been supporting me during these years.

Simona my wife, my son Chicco and Lapo are wonderful young adult. It is worth seeing them growing up.

You know my injury happened  four years ago.  It is an  Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). Unlike many other people that had their accident while driving a car or they got injured at work  it was destiny for me to get my ABI.

I had a time bomb placed in my head as I was born with a malformation to my heat. It is called an arteriovenous malformation (AVM). In short it is a classic stroke.

As I like to call it it is a stroke of luck.

Yest it is luck because the outcome is really good. It is luck as I was here in US were things could get immediately put under control. It is luck because I have a wonderful structure on my back like CNS, with a wonderful Case Manger like Sarah. Also a wonderful advocate for me in my wife Simona. She is the real rock of the family. Since my injury she is doing what she had to do. Get back on her feet, taking care of the house and of our two children, also taking care of myself, at her best. And she is doing all of this with a smile.
With her strength and determination, that is only hers. This is why she is my wife.

I personally don't feel a stigma having to disclose to the community my condition. I normally don't talk about it as everybody interact with me by making me feeling part of the whole community. I am making my best to fit in and to give to everybody a little act of kindness to bring away and to remember me about.

Everywhere I go I have friend and people I care for. And every were I go I have good experience and positive feedback. This is reinforcing my wiliness and my strength in getting better.
Because my job right now is to get better. And if you think about the past years I am better than the last years.
This is thank to the patience of CNS, to Sarah's , Simona's , God's  and everybody else.

My job right now, is to focus 100% of my energy in getting the best outcome from  my experience.

the brain is a wonderful organ that needs to be retrained after an injury, like a muscle in our body needs retraining after an injury I need retraining - also called Therapy- to get better.

I am working in my retraining here at CNS. As such I have 5 hours of  therapy everyday. This includes 1 hour for my lunch break. Afterward I come at home at the apartment and normally I go to the gym. The few days I don't go to the gym is Saturday  evening- movie outing, Sunday -church. Once in a while on Tuesday I need to go to do Personal Shopping so I can't go to the gym. It is fairly rear for me as I do personal shopping once per month.

Everybody knows me at CNS, as I am very friendly and helpful person. I am trying to get better as my family deserve it. We all deserve a happy closure with an on-going story. So today is the day of good proposals.

Anyway stay tuned as the day is not completed yet.

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