Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Sept 14 morning posting

Alright, yesterday evening we went to catch a movie at the local Maya theater.

I had no strong opinion regarding the showing, so I went and followed  the persons I met over there.
Betty was waiting for us at the theater, she mentioned that she wanted to see the Giver, so I followed suit, happy to being with her. At the end I did enjoyed the movie. I found it sometime hard to follow on all its different shades. Let's say it was the best choice for  the moment.

The Giver  is a nice story about a perfect society where everybody has a purpose and a goal. Once in a while a person is selected to challenge the established order and therefore he gets to meet to Giver. This time Jonas is selected to be the trainee with the Giver. Jonas is the guy of the poster above, the main character of the story.

In the movie the Giver is the master and the person that is the repository of all the memory of the past. His purpose is to pass along all the memory of the past. This is why he has many books and a wide knowledge of the things that are now lost.  The story goes that the Giver starts training Jonas about the past that is no more. In this exercise Jonas starts to grow and to challenge the established truth. It is a real test for Jonas' convictions, strength and believes. The movie has a god ending..The society and Jonas are making peace and the whole world starts to blossom with new colors.

At the movie theater I also met Shawn, picture here below next to me. I am the guy with the hat. Shawn is standing next to me on my left.

Of course I small coke and Dibs are in order for the movie theater.

Well, switching gear to today, On Sunday  morning I wake up early as usual and had a very good breakfast. I had everything in the picture below  but the yogurt, as I felt I had already enough for today.

Today I   went trough my daily routine  and Mark did my coverage for the miorning. He snapped a picture of me. I have realized that I am wearing  the same colors as yesterday. Well I clearly love my red clothes.

In talking to Mark he mentioned that his niece his getting  bigger and bigger and that she is now potty trained.

As I was also  talking to Mark, I  mentioned that at the 24 fitness gym there is a new manager. Her name is Erica. And I showed  him the picture of Erica.
She is the girl standing next to me. Mark mentioned to me that he knows her and that  he went to school with her.

Next time I see her I will make sure she knows that Mark is here at CNS. The fact is that the CNS  policy such that  I am not allowed to snap a picture of the people working here. It is a privacy policy that I understand and share. Anyway I will be able to talk to Erica next week.

Today Simona comes in town. Simona is my wife. She comes here with our two sons. Chicco is now 9 and Lapo is 5. Chicco attends IV grade and Lapo attends Kindergarten. They both are going at the La Canada Public school.
The La Canada school district is a very good school district. Originally Simona and I decided to purchase our house in community where school for the kids are good. On the other side property taxes are significant over there.. but it is a good investment on the future of our children.
We both share the view that our family and our kids are paramount in our life.

Anyway, enjoy the reading, and thank you Sarah, CNS and Simona. Also I would like to acknowledge my  family in Italy.
Speaking of my family in Italy, my mom is scheduled to leave today from Fano, Italy - the family summer vacation house- on her way back to our home town Verona.
I believe my brother Francesco and his wife Sara are going to drive  with her. It is not a long trip, it might take up to 4 hours to drive back to Verona, depending on the day.

Last but not least I would like to acknowledge and wish a wonderful day to my CEO and mentor Lester Kozlowsky. He is another key person that I am grateful for.

Enjoy the reading!

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