Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday Sept 10 post lunch

Alright, it is Giuseppe again working from the clinic, it is a post-lunch posting.

This is my smiling face before lunch. Jenifer snapped this picture of me smiling for lunch.
This picture was snapped by Jessica who works here at the clinic.

At lunch I had a good Tilapia Filet and boiled green beans. 
The Tilapia Filet was panned in Crumbled bread and dressed with  lemon juice. 

Also I had a good fruit salad -pictured below-   and a peaches fruit with  a banana.
I have realized that the peaches fruit was ripe and as a result I am better to make good use of the other peaches in my fridge at the apartment. I am planning to make a good fruit salad with it.

I am eating healthy and trying to stay away from eating too much.
During the past days I started again  eating without control, so right now I am going back to portion control. My weight fluctuates a lot depending on my level of activities. 
I do a lot of activities during the afternoon, as I am going to the gym everyday except for Saturday Movie and Sunday Church.

Once in a while on Tuesday I need to go do Personal Shopping, When I don't need anything I come up with a story for Rene -my RTC- so that she understands that I would like to go to the gym, like yesterday afternoon.

 I dedicate everything I do to my wife Simona, the real strength of our household. She is the most beautiful and joyful person I know around. Together with Sarah my Case Manager at CNS, Simona is my strongest advocate and I acknowledge her hard work. Everyday I think about her, her determination to load herself with many tasks.

In fact she is so busy that she barely has time to eat at lunch. Her job at Cal tech is demanding on her  strength but she does it with grace and focus.  She always has  time to follow up with me, I own everything to her, my recovery my getting better, my staying at CNS to improve.
Well, right now she is the head of our household so everything stands on her shoulders and strength.

A marriage is based on a family and we are a family united around my recovery and around me staying here at CNS to get better. Simona is trusting me 100% and I trust her together with Sarah my Case Manager. Well you all know that I would really like to acknowledge your work.
So in this regard, thank you for letting staying her to get better.

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