Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday July 31 post lunch

Today at CNS I read the newspaper for today,
The international and monetary piece of  news is interesting to me. 

The economy is on its way to recover and in order to avoid a overheating the Fed is considering hiking  interest rates.  

The Fed has kept the interest rate near zero for the past several years.

It has been doing so in order to stimulate the economic growth.

The opportunity of keep  doing so will be re-evaluated in the next Fed meeting.

The other news worth mentioning is that  a piece of a passenger plane lost over the Indian Ocean has been spot and recovered.

It is a  piece of the  wing.

It belongs to the lost Malaysian Airlines fly  MH 370. 

It was carrying 240 passengers when it vanished over the Indian Ocean.

After reading the newspapers I went to fill in my blog about my activities of yesterday.

Finally it was time to get lunch.
As usual  I brought my own food. Although on Friday the CNS provides food, I felt I was going to eat my own food.

A healthy summer rice with red and orange peppers. As a side a good salad with avocado, celery and spinach. Olive oil and vinaigrette dressing. A couple of tostadas to go with it.

Finally a few red delicious cherries.

During lunch Tami snapped this picture of me with Thumb up.
She mentioned that it is a far cooler pose to use for picture. Rather than the used and reused  sign of victory. I will keep in mind her recommendation.

While I was having my lunch I called my mom.
She is currently in our summer house in Fano, Italy.

This is the major pizza in Fano.

This is a view of the Lido. Also known as the beach.

This is  chart of Fano to situate it on a small map.

This is a chart of Italy  with Fano highlighted in Violet.

The family house we have in Fano   belonged to my great grand parents.

 Their names was Giuseppina and Arturo.

It has been with our family for a few generations.

I  have a lot of great memories from my youth. I was going there during a couple of months for my summer vacation. At the time my grand parents where still alive and they were running the house.

There was a big fig tree that used to make a lot of fresh figs.
I remember that when I was coming back from the beach I used to have a snack based on fresh figs.

 They were delicious and sweet. Really healthy.

My mom mentioned that nowadays the fig tree is gone. As the house has been updated the tree was too big and its root were interfering with  the house stability.

At the time it has been decided to cut the fig tree off.

As they say "Ubi major minor cessat"

I am proposing you the pictures of my family.

Chicco will be going to V grade 

Lapo will be going to first grade

Simona my wife is the head of our household.

This is Simona's website at Caltech.

Some luminosity

Enjoy the reading.

Friday July 31 morning posting

Yesterday I came back home after my therapy at CNS.

For dinner I had a healthy dinner with Burrata, tostadas and a good summer salad.

Finally I went to the gym. 
I normally eat before going to the gym. It gives me energy for the work out.

I was happy as rather than Zumba I had a class of body pump with Jessica. She is  pictured at my right hand side.

 Feeling a change  in the air  I had brought with me the black gloves to work out at the gym.

It is a present from Janice and Larry.

At body pump I did my best, focusing on repetition and precision rather than loading with heavy weight. After all I like to be in good shape.

After body pump   I had cycle with Jeanette. 

We have new cycle equipment at the gym. 
It takes a bit of time to set up and  it works great.

 Lisa drove me to the gym and then at 7pm as agreed it was time for me to leave and go back home.

Finally after the gym I had a soothing shower  and a final snack.

My Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone for the night were included after the snack.

This morning  I wake up early as usual at 6 am.
I  can not stay in bed passed this time even during weekend.
Somehow my body wakes up always at this time of the morning.
It is OK as I like the air of the  morning.

I  took a cold and brief shower. 

 I had a good breakfast.

Milk, cereal, blueberry blueberry kefir  honey on breads. Only a cup of coffee.

Afterward I washed everything by hand. I also took the time to clean around my apartment. So that I left it in  order.

It was then time to grab the daily newspaper in the park. I am going  in the farthest corner so that I can roam freely and have a good feel for the daily breeze and temperature.

I snapped this picture of the new day.

This sunshine is dedicated to Simona my wife.

Afterward I snapped a good picture of me pretending to call Simona.
She is always worried about me.

And in fact soon afterward she called me to let me know that everybody is well.
Simona asked me what I was doing. I mentioned her about my day thus far.

Simona  is currently in the Northern Part of Italy. Visiting her cousin Paola in Ortisei.
Paola has two sons: Sebastian (Sebi) and Johannes (Ioi) 

In Ortisei there are also other people from Simona's family.
Simona's eldest cousin Rita and Melina her mother.

Rita has been organizing the family gathering. As usual  it has all been organized perfectly well.

As Simona mentions the family Leccese (Rita's surname) is distinctive for being very munificent.

I am personally very grateful for Simona's family side. They are all very gracious and helpful in whatever they can do.

I have to take a moment to explain that my own family has been doing its very best in helping out our kiddos. Recently by inviting Simona and the kids to stop by on the vacation house we have in Italy at the seaside town of Fano.

I am glad my mom and brother had the chance of spending time together with Simona and my two sons.
My brother Francesco had a good time playing in the sand and water with our two sons.

Everybody is doing its own best for our kids.
Today as usual I brought my remaining stickers at the centers.
I distributed to everybody.

I brought some to M and I wrote a thank you note with my name on it.

She is a sweet lady and she is  working hard as everybody around the AAC.

Simona will be back in US in a couple of days.
Enjoy the reading.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday July 30 post lunch

A good lunch outside under the blue sky

Eating a good rice with tuna, boiled egg and tiny cherry tomatoes.

As a side a rich salad with avocado spinach, celery. Olive Oil and balsamic  graze vinaigrette.
Paired with a couple of Tostadas.

Finally some good red delicious cherries.

I like to eat healthy and it is all home made food.
As I like to cook by myself.

Normally I eat protein in the evening before going to the gym.
The proteins I have are from eggs, cheese or fish.
I have some legume as well to eat, it is a good source of protein.

At home at the apartment I like to cook by myself and I believe I cook well.

I am making healthy choices when it come to the matter of eating.

At CNS I am eating  vegetable, carbs from pasta or rice, and fruit.

I have found out that soybeans are a good source of protein. 
You can found soybeans in Edamame 

Here is a source of good protein source

white chicken meat
Milk, Cheese, Yogurt (Greek Yogurt)
Whole Wheat Toast
Enjoy the reading

keep improving

Thursday July 30

Yesterday after the therapy I came back home.

I got  the new schedule -due on Wednesday- helped distributing it around the apartment.
I then booked for a movie this upcoming Saturday.

As a dinner I had a good  Frittata. Eggs, milk and bread crumbs.

Finally a healthy salad with spinach, avocado, celery and cherry tomatoes.

As usual the dressing was with Olive Oil and Balsamic vinaigrette glaze.

Afterward I went to the 24 fitness  gym on Gosford.

Over there it was my cycle day with Angie. She is the lady wearing a black bandanna at my right hand site.
The bike for me was ready and waiting.

We have new bike at the gym. It is all  really great brand new equipment.

Pete is the name of the guy in black T shirt next to  Angie.

I enjoyed my ride.

Later  I had body pump with Silvia. I had a chance of using my black gloves that Larry and Janice gave  me as a present.

I focused on doing a lot of repetitions. 

I did not charge too much. I did use medium weight.

Kyle did my coverage at the gym.

As usual at 7pm it was time for me to go back to the apartment.

Once back home I had a nice and short shower.

A final snack my evening meds and it was my bed time.

I went to sleep and  as usual my body awaken up at 6am by itself.

I had a very healthy breakfast together with Simona's picture.
Blueberry with  Cereal Bran Flakes,  Blueberry kefir. 

A couple of white bread slices with butter and honey.

Don't you worry mon amour.. I am well.

 At the AAC I read the interesting news of the newspaper. Today it is all interesting.
Among the noteworthy news democrats are working hard to bring a relief for the drought stricken California.

Senator Feinstein has introduced a bill that would fund  water storage, desalination project and other water related issues.

It is clearly an attempt to deal with the drought. No rain in the forecast thus far.

Enjoy the reading as it is lunch time.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Riddle for July 29

Q: I killed one fourth on mankind how am I?

A: Cain

Wednesday July 29

Yesterday I received mail from Italy.
My family has been visiting my mom in Fano, Italy.

They sent me post card  signed by everybody.

My  mom, our little son Lapo, our eldest son Chicco signed the mail.

The post cards were signed also signed  by my wife Simona.

Thank you mon amour. 

At the apartment I prepared some rice salad with a healthy  salad as a side.

Afterward I went to the gym as I had no Personal Shopping to do.

I went to the gym. I  did bootcamp with Ellie at my right hand side.

Finally after bootcamp I had Zumba with Mike and as usual at 7pm it was time for me to leave the gym.

I  went with Evelyn the supervisor   who has been   doing  my coverage at the 24 fitness gym on Gosford. We went there with  Evelyn's own car.

Finally I came back home and got a  cooling shower.

A final snack after Zumba.. I eat to do sport and I do sport as I am having fun eating...

Finally I went to bed and at 6am I was up again.

I did everything according to plan.
 had a good breakfast. rich in fiber and healthy carb.
Kefir, milk, blueberry  and blueberry cereal

I washed everything by hand - conserve the water.
Went around the CNS center to throw away the several trash bags left. Thank you guys I appreciate it.
Finally got the news paper in the farthest area of the park did my morning walk and exercise.

The best part of this picture is the picture of Simona my wife.

Today Simona is busy in Frascati
Frascati is a well know National Lab and Research Center in Italy.
The National Lab  is near Rome. 

Simona has been invited  there to give a talk about her work at Caltech.

She is taking the opportunity of being in Rome for going there.

As usual my day started really well.
I greeted James, Caesar and Chain.
I kidded with James.
This picture title is Calling for IT support..

Always fun with James and everybody.

Today I brought Stickers to M. I wrote my name on it. 
I am sure a good gesture goes a long way.

Enjoy the reading.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A good lunch under the patio

A good lunch under the patio together with Jolanta.

I had a cold past salad, a salad with corn a couple of Kiwis and some crackers.

Jolanta gave me a few house maintenance tips: she recommended to use  clear vinegar as a cleaning detergent for my apartment.  She mentioned I can be using it on furniture and inside the fridge.

Because vinegar is an acidic agent,  it should not get in contact with any shone that contain Calcium.
Otherwise it will  stain it.

Anyway during lunch, Simona called me to let me know the whole family was back home in California.

The boys were still awaken and excited by their trip, the most recent trip was in the Italian Alps to visit Paola. Paola is Simona's  youngest cousin.

Paola  has two kids: Joi (for Joannes) and Sebi ( for Sebastian.

Chicco and Lapo are next to Camilla in yellow. Joi and Sebi are behind Camilla.

Simona mentioned that the boys loved eating  the local food

For instance a local specialty is  Speck,  it  is an aged dry ham.

The local bread is also very rich. 
It is a bread made with a lot of fiber.
It is dark in  color.

The bread shown below  is called Shuttelbrod: rye bread crisp.

I remember that when I was going to visit my grandparents in Bolzano it was something I was looking forward together with a good Speak.

The family also enjoyed some good local pastry.
It is called Strudel. My mom in Italy used to make Strudel for us at home.

It was a delicious and healthy cake.
 The filling has apple slices, dry raisin and poppy seeds.

Coming back to me I have been informed by Suzanne that my doctor appointment got  rescheduled. It is now fixed for August the 6th.
I will be leaving at 3pm from AAC.

It is duly noted.
Simona has been informed.

Tomorrow Simona is busy the whole day.
As she is in Rome she has been invited to give a seminar in Frascati.

It is a prestigious lab  for Nuclear physics research.

Mon amour you are a star!

Tuesday July 28 Simona's Smile

Today Simona is coming back from Val Gardena with our boys.

She has been there visiting Paola a Freddi. They leave at Passo Rolle.

The Val Gardena is located in the Northern Part of Italy. It is a very nice place to be leaving.

The culture is very interesting. There is a local mix of Italian, German and local  Ladina culture of living.

On of Simona's aunt joned as well. Her name is Zia Melina. He eldest daughter Rita joined the family gathering . Rita organized the travel for the whole family.

As usual Rita has been great in arranging  transportation to everybody.

Rita is the eldest of Simona's cousins.

Paola is her youngest.

Rita is a very kind, capable and entrepreneurial person. All qualities that are a family traits in Simona's family.

Switching to my own  adventures,   yesterday evening  I had a very good dinner.
A healthy frittata with bread crumbs on the top and bottom. I am following Anna's recipe.

I also had some carbs in the form of a cold pasta salad.

I later went to the gym. As every Monday evening  I had Yoga with Erica at my right  hand side and then I had cycle with Lolita. Lolita is the lady with the bandanna at  my far right hand side.

As  I  had time I started dancing Zumba with Brie and finally Monica came to pick me up.
I realized that the big bike parked outside the gym belongs to Peter.

Once in my apartment I got cleaned up and had a final snack.

While at the gym I showed the latest picture I received from Simona. This is the picture of Simona smiling with a mountain as a background.

Yes mon amour you are my rock and my wisdom. 

Your smile is on my desk top at the AAC, on my phone screen safer and on my heart.

This morning  I had a very healthy breakfast (colazione)

Blueberry, flakes with milk.
A couple of slices of white bread with butter and honey.
Finally a cup of coffee.
All really good and healthy.
I washed everything by hand and put it away.

I  helped around to trow  the bag of  trash I found at the village - thank you for your help.
I walked in the park to get the newspaper at the furthest Kiosk,
I greeted Wee a nice lady I normally see at the park exercising.

It is time to eat.
Baci mon amour