Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Meditation post

I had meditation with Matt earlier this morning.

We talked about the following topics:

Mindfulness and being mindful, this means keeping something in mind.

Virtue: it is a positive action, keep the mind to settle down on a positive thought

Concentration: It helps the mind to focus (Jhana: from the following link:

Jhana is a meditative state of profound stillness and concentration in which the mind becomes fully immersed and absorbed in the chosen object of attention. It is the cornerstone in the development of Right Concentration.

Wisdom: concentration helps developing wisdom and discernment. Discernment leads to Release

I brought to Matt the point that at the gym where I am doing Yoga the notion of mindfulness, concentration and virtue is brought forward during my Yoga session. Yesterday in fact I had Yoga with Erica and her teaching overlapped very much with Matt's one.

It  is a different environment and it comes with different requirements.

Meanwhile I had a good lunch. I am cleaning the fridge.
The staffed peppers have been cooked some time ago.

The salad was prepared yesterday evening.
The sweet cherry are the result of my Saturday shopping.

During lunch I called my mom. She is vacationing at the beach side of Fano. Italy.
She mentioned that she is enjoying her staying over there.

I have also called my wife Simona in Rome. I got to speak to Anna. Over there our kids where asleep.  Nevertheless Anna was able to quickly mention to me that everybody is well.

I knew in advance that Simona had a knight out. 
She spent the evening with her youngest cousin Marta and her holder cousin Rita.

Simona called me this morning to let me know the following news.

She has been invited to give a talk to Frascati.  In Frascati there is the INFN (Italian National Lab for Physics).  It is a well known place for physics and research.
A great place to be.

Simona's dad used to collaborate with Frascati when he was a Full Professor of Physics at the University of L' Aquila.

You see Simona's vocation for physics goes back to her family ties.

Here is a  small view of the lab from Internet.

Over there she is going to give a talk about  her research on the North American Monsoon she has been working upon. 
In Frascati the subject of Monsoon is followed very closely.

Simona is going to try to reschedule her flight ticket to come back to US.
She mentioned that she is most likely having it rescheduled as she has a quite high Mileage Status.

She is going to let me know all about it as soon as she is able to fix her dates.

Enjoy the reading.

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