Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday July 17

It is really far a way  home. Isn't it?

It is not my home.. it is Mr. Raundy home rather than being mine.
I have never felt it home..Dear CNS I wish you understand my words and acts appropriately.

My home used to be a cleaner better place. Better furniture better accommodation...better everything.

The latest in the long story is that nobody is  washing  his shoes in the sink...

I let you CNS figure out how to handle the major flows of your wonderful accommodation.


Yesterday I cooked chicken things and  made a great salad with celery, green apple, cherry tomatoes  and arugula.

I later went to the gym.
I enjoyed my time at the gym among the normal people.. At CNS it is all absolutely non normal..

Later after Zumba I had time to do cycle with Jeanette.

When I came back at the apartment I was hungry: I prepared myself gnocchi. I dressed gnocchi with pesto and Quinoa from Trader Joe's. I added olive oil and grated cheese.

A really good late night dinner.

At the gm I met the usual good people. I like going to the gym as I like it to be a positive and constructive environment.
I greeted Amanda and many other familiar faces.

Simona is in Rome with our kids.
Today she is going to visit my mom in Fano.
They are  taking the train from Rome to Bologna.

(I am adding a little local chart to help understanding the local geography)

 They are then changing in Bologna and taking a local train to Fano (PU).
It is going to be an experience for our kiddos.
Simona is going to call me later today at 3pm. 

This morning Jolanta came by to mention something about guests..
It is alright.. as mentioned to you it is not worthy of my time nor it is worthy of calling it  my house. Just to reiterate the feeling it is the  CNS house..I  am very allergic to that cheap and poorly kept place.

The point I am making is that when I had my own place alone I used to keep it solidly clean..
I have always been a clean and proper person.. Why do you pair me with a messy person?

Apparently CNS has run out of money or compassion..
It is CNS decision ..

Great feeling.

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