Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13 Monday post lunch

As usual my lunch break got consumed outside under the patio.

It is my lunch break.. 
As a result I am going to eat in my normal spot enjoying my food breathing open air.
I had the chance of talking to my mom back in Italy. She mentioned that over there it is really hot.
She is vacationing at the seaside in our summer house in Fano.
She mentioned that she is going to the beach to enjoy the day and the water of the Adriatic sea.

I asked my mother to make an effort for tomorrow night. I asked her to get ready for a gelato  outing.

Well you can ask for it but again..

I have done my luminosity today..

I have also asked Miss Amanda to mentioned that the apartment that Mr Rendy is running - he is the boss after all- is a real mess.

I cleaned everything and he is messing up again doing whatever he wants and whatever he likes to do.

There are some people that would be better for them never to come at CNS..

It is a lot of lost profit for CNS.. but hey you are also doing a lot of charity and your charity dear CNS is what really makes you become a better place.

The  cheap furniture and appliance you are providing are not worth of  a respectable house.

I bet it all come from Walmart anyway...

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