Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday July 24

Yesterday after therapy I came back to the apartment.

I filled in my grocery list carefully. I made sure there are no extra items.
Particularly next week we have cold lunch because  they are remodeling the kitchen.

I  went to the  gym. It was my Zumba night. After Zumba I had my cycle evening with Jeannette.
She is the smiling lady my left hand side.

At the gym they had brand new cycles and fans.

I love the gym environment as I normally meet all the familiar faces I am used to.

I showed around the pictures of my boys. I had pictures of Lapo when he was born in Colorado. Also the picture of Simona, Chicco and the residence we had in Colorado.
Everybody appreciated.

Finally it was time to go back home.
Lisa did the shuttling back and forth.

The usual routine of the evening shower and a snack.

As usual I slept really well at home.
I waken up at 6am and got ready for my day.

This morning is dedicated to Caltech. My T-shirt matches the white appliances in the Maintenance department.

This morning I brought Jolanta a thank you note for her patience and for her help. I wrote the note this morning I gave it to her today.

Simona is well and she has arrived at Ortisei in the Northern Part of Italy.

Simona and the kids  are going to be there until Monday.
Paola and her husband Freddy leave in Ortisei.

Simona and the kids  traveled with Rita. Rita is Simona's eldest cousin.

Simona,  our kids and Rita took the first class train.

Simona mentioned that with Rita she always travels with excellent accommodation.

Our kids enjoyed the trip very much.

At Ortisei the plan is to hike around, breath the good mountain air.

Eat all good food. 

Here is a list of the local food.




Rye bread

Stuttelbrot (schiacciata)

In today's newspaper there is a very interesting article about  El Nino.

It is about the condition that set over the cost of Peru. The Ocean water over there are becoming warmer by 3 degree Fahrenheit. This is enough to trigger the onset of a condition called El Nino. This brings  moisture from the Pacific all the way to the Northern America. 

Well Good luck to all of us.

Thank you CNS

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