Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday July 13

In order of appearance..

Last Friday evening I had U Jam with Caroline. As usual the guy at her right t is Lee.

Last  Saturday I wrote a letter to my boys. And sent it to Rome, Italy

Lapo purchased some new toys so he can play a little soldier in Rome.
Chicco got initiated to Andrea's passion: collecting and painting little figures of soldiers and dragons
It is all good.
The italian ice cream  - gelati- are always inviting the boys to have a good snack.

Calamari at the beach is also a local culinary attraction.

The boys are speaking more and more Italian.

I clean my room, washed everything - also my bath robe- and changed the bed.. finally after doing all the normal cleaning of the CNS apartment 

Vacuum cleaned the carpet.

Washing the tiles

Cleaning the restroom

Don't be fooled by this picture as the bathroom as been messed up by Mr. Randy.

He is the one who messes up things at the CNS apartment.. and I am cleaning his mess.. don't you agree CNS?

Carry on CNS you know all of this... but clearly you do not care enought about it.

At 11 am I  went to do grocery shopping at trader Joe's 

Some nice people over there

Candace always happy to see me.

My final bill was only $121.23.. 
Obviously I like eating well.

I purchased green apple for my salad -per Anna's recommendation

I have also purchased a good Sushi.. I have immediately had it for lunch.

I prepared a drawing for Lapo.. 
It is about the Minion Character.

I sent letters to Simona in Rome and to my mom in Italy. She is vacationing at the seaside in Fano.
For the boys I am writing in English and block letters and to my mom in Italian.

In the evening I went to see the Minion  movie I was anticipating to see.

I like it and I was surrounded by families with kids.

I like it that way as it is my movie time..

Last  Sunday  I did recycle. This time it was $3.36  I am keeping it for pocket money, eventually I will buy myself a new computer like my son Chicco is planning to do.

Finally I went to the gym a place that I like more than anything.. 
The log of my exercise if written here below.
A lot of repetition with moderate weight so that I did not injured my body.

2 miles stepper level 7 in 30 minutes
abdominal crunch 3x40
Leg press horizontal 3x80
Leg press 3x4 100lb
Rotary torso 3x40

In case you wonder it the log log of my gym activity that day.

This is my weight: 185.4 lb 

Finally it was time to go to Church and obviously CNS was late in getting there.
Both guys that are coming and staying in the van had no idea of the time nor of their purpose for being there.
Well you know CNS all about it... 

Frankly I was expecting you guys to messed up at Church.

Anyway I went ahead, got in the front where I met Cindy,  prayed with her, provided the $3.00 offer as usual. Cindy mentioned that her dad's name was Joseph as well

And so on.
I bet CNS should try to do better next time.

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