Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday July 31 morning posting

Yesterday I came back home after my therapy at CNS.

For dinner I had a healthy dinner with Burrata, tostadas and a good summer salad.

Finally I went to the gym. 
I normally eat before going to the gym. It gives me energy for the work out.

I was happy as rather than Zumba I had a class of body pump with Jessica. She is  pictured at my right hand side.

 Feeling a change  in the air  I had brought with me the black gloves to work out at the gym.

It is a present from Janice and Larry.

At body pump I did my best, focusing on repetition and precision rather than loading with heavy weight. After all I like to be in good shape.

After body pump   I had cycle with Jeanette. 

We have new cycle equipment at the gym. 
It takes a bit of time to set up and  it works great.

 Lisa drove me to the gym and then at 7pm as agreed it was time for me to leave and go back home.

Finally after the gym I had a soothing shower  and a final snack.

My Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone for the night were included after the snack.

This morning  I wake up early as usual at 6 am.
I  can not stay in bed passed this time even during weekend.
Somehow my body wakes up always at this time of the morning.
It is OK as I like the air of the  morning.

I  took a cold and brief shower. 

 I had a good breakfast.

Milk, cereal, blueberry blueberry kefir  honey on breads. Only a cup of coffee.

Afterward I washed everything by hand. I also took the time to clean around my apartment. So that I left it in  order.

It was then time to grab the daily newspaper in the park. I am going  in the farthest corner so that I can roam freely and have a good feel for the daily breeze and temperature.

I snapped this picture of the new day.

This sunshine is dedicated to Simona my wife.

Afterward I snapped a good picture of me pretending to call Simona.
She is always worried about me.

And in fact soon afterward she called me to let me know that everybody is well.
Simona asked me what I was doing. I mentioned her about my day thus far.

Simona  is currently in the Northern Part of Italy. Visiting her cousin Paola in Ortisei.
Paola has two sons: Sebastian (Sebi) and Johannes (Ioi) 

In Ortisei there are also other people from Simona's family.
Simona's eldest cousin Rita and Melina her mother.

Rita has been organizing the family gathering. As usual  it has all been organized perfectly well.

As Simona mentions the family Leccese (Rita's surname) is distinctive for being very munificent.

I am personally very grateful for Simona's family side. They are all very gracious and helpful in whatever they can do.

I have to take a moment to explain that my own family has been doing its very best in helping out our kiddos. Recently by inviting Simona and the kids to stop by on the vacation house we have in Italy at the seaside town of Fano.

I am glad my mom and brother had the chance of spending time together with Simona and my two sons.
My brother Francesco had a good time playing in the sand and water with our two sons.

Everybody is doing its own best for our kids.
Today as usual I brought my remaining stickers at the centers.
I distributed to everybody.

I brought some to M and I wrote a thank you note with my name on it.

She is a sweet lady and she is  working hard as everybody around the AAC.

Simona will be back in US in a couple of days.
Enjoy the reading.

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