Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday July 1st 2015

Yesterday  at the apartment it was first time for me to clean around. I like to stay  in a good maintained house. Hence I am doing my best to keep it so.

I cleaned my room from the dust.

I normally keep the restroom clean. 
I clean it everyday as I like it to be really sparkling clean.

I am doing my best to maintain the apartment as clean as possible.

Let's switch topic.

Simona is in Rome, Italy.

This morning she was already visiting her aunts.

Chicco and Lapo are happy to be with Anna among her  family.

 They will meet many people they know in Rome.

 In the evening I  wrote a letter to them.

The other letter I sent them was found yesterday on the top of the mail boxes.

I  collect them both, took them at the reception to make sure they are being sent to Rome, Italy.

For Lapo I made a Happy July 4th drawing. For Chicco and Anna I wrote a letter in English and block letters.

Yesterday evening I did not go to the gym as I went to do Personal Shopping at Walmart.

I purchased a replacement battery for my watch. 

They  could not open my watch  yesterday at the store hence I waited until this morning.
In the meanwhile I washed my  watch at my best. 
It is a Swatch brand.

Early  this morning I went as usual to say hi to James, Ceasar, Jarron and Chaine at the maintenance department.

They were able to replace the newly purchased battery of my watch.

Sure enough it is working well again.

Good job to everybody... Thank you for your help.

For me to save money in getting just a battery and to  James and his crew for helping me as usual.

My healthy breakfast with my wife is in the picture below.

Cereal, blueberry, milk and a Yogurt.

It feels  good to have  a healthy morning cold breakfast

I do not have any  longer hot cereal nor eggs for the morning.

I feel they are too heavy for my stomach.
I rather have the eggs in the evening. I do not get any longer  warm Oatmeal for breakfast.

Early this morning I had a good chat with Jolanta my Case Manager. She is working hard and making sure I am receiving the best attention ever.

I sent Jesus an email asking weather he has the key for my new mail box. 

My  new mail box is #623 rather than #321.
Once I will have the key for it, I am going to ask Simona to switch all my mail to the mailbox #321.

Enjoy the reading.
Thank you

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