Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thursday July 2 2015

Chicco and Lapo are well in Rome, Italy.

They have been in Rome for the past couple of days. Beforehand they visited Brussels, Belgium where Simona's brother family leaves.

Simona's brother family is composed by : Andrea, Elena and Matteo their five year son.

In Rome, Italy  the boys have been visiting aunt Elena. She is a sister of Anna. Anna is Simona's mother.

In this picture the boys are having a great time with Elena's turtle.

Both Chicco and Lapo look really cute and well.

Lapo in particular is wearing a red T-shirt and is the once that has his mouth wide open.
Chicco wearing blue clothes. As he is very tall  to fit him within the picture Simona had to make  him kneeling.

Chicco is becoming taller and taller. Every time the boys come to visit me, Simona is taking the opportunity to get him some new pans. Chicco is clearly expressing his genes. Myself I am quite tall, Simona's dad was also a tall man.

Lapo is a close second. They both are doing great in life.

This morning I spoke to Anna and the boys. They were busy in Rome, Italy and had time to greet me a good day.

Anna is making sure the boys are well taken care of while Simona is away.

In fact  Simona has already left on her way to UK (Exter first and later Reading)

Simona's professional latest page  at Caltech is very interesting.

It is at this link.

She is a busy woman. She is going in UK to give seminars, talks and presentations.
It is part of her work.

Yesterday I came back to the apartment and had a good dinner.

Pasta alla Gricia and a good summer salad with green arugula salad.
Dressing Olive Oil, balsamic Vinegar from Modena and a pinch of salt.

I like to eat healthy and to make healthy choices for my meal. 
I admit I have my cheat days once in a while.,
Not very often thought.

At 5pm I have also booked for movie this upcoming Saturday.
Finally it was for me time to go to the 24fitness  gym.

As it was a Wednesday it was my time of doing cycle with Angie. She is the lady at my left hand side, making bunny hears to me for fun.
As  I stayed as well for body pump with Silvia we snapped a picture with her as well. She is the lady at my right hand side.

I  did  a lot of good exercise with the weight. I used medium weight so that my body does not hurt,
I focused on doing repetition and accuracy of movement.
And in fact I am feeling great.

At the gym I greeted Pete, Laura, Jim and Pete. There were many familiar faces as well.
At the gym I have the feeling I am a well known person.
Most likely as I am always there after my work at the clinic.
Christina did shuttle me back and forth.
I felt great and I keeping feeling great.
Afterward I came back to the apartment, took a soothing shower and grabbed a snack

An evening sandwich to sleep tight,

Finally it was time for my Divalproex, Melatonine and Trazodone and I did sleep really well.
I woke up at 6 am as usual.
Prepared my coffee got a shower cleaned up and get ready for my day.

I went this morning to greet the Maintenance crew as my usual. I greeted "Jarron, Chaine, James and Caesar"
The battery for my watch had to be fixed as my watch stopped working again.
And in fact Chaine was able to fix it. It is now working again.

I went to the reception as it was the day for my money management day ( today it is the day I am getting paid) . I got the money for the newspaper, greeted Miss Mary.

While visiting the Maintenance group of people  I asked them to snap this picture of me. I am  greeting them  them for their work and patience.

Finally  I went back at the apartment and greeted Adriana who was there waiting for me. She  checked my morning  meds. She snapped this picture of me with my wife Simona.

This morning I also called my mother in law Anna in Rome, Italy.
I am using Skype with my cell phone.

Within the apartment I had a poor reception. 

So I stepped outside and called her from over outside. 

I reached Anna and the boys.
The boys were happy and surprised to hear me talking.
Anna was very happy and positive as usual. 

She is like her daughter Simona.

Anna, her daughter Simona her son Andrea are all very resourceful  and very encouraging and strong persons.

I am very blessed as I have a wonderful in law family.
I own a lot to their love and support.

They never miss a moment to let me feel their love and attention.

Simona is my biggest supporter of all. 

Her family makes sure that when she is busy her big role is properly filled in.

During the past days I had a toothache on my right upper side molar.

I felt my gum getting bigger and bigger. 

This morning I cleaned it really carefully and my gum popped open.

 I cleaned it carefully with salted water and mouthwash and now it is all well.
I am feeling better and better.
 This morning at the reception I have also purchased a small pin for the 4th of July.
I have brought it to Amanda here at the AAC.

She is the person in charge of the AAC operations.

Lunch time.
Enjoy the reading.

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