Monday, July 20, 2015

Monday July 20

Last Friday I went to the gym.
I met Lee at my far right.
Caroline is next to me and she is my Zumba teacher.

She is always very kind with me.

I had the chance of talking with Lee and explaining him all about the Mt. Vernon clinic and the clinic on Ashe Rd.

Last  Saturday morning I took care of the usual maintenance of the CNS apartment.
Cleaning everything per the usual routine.
I  finally went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's.

Over there I met Tom and his wife Sharrol. 

I had a good shopping experience.
This time my bill was $78.38 better than my norm.

I got the usual stickers and ticket for the raffle.
Repetita iuvant. 

The many  happy faces at Trader Joe's.

I had my sushi and got the new economist. It has become my routine for the Saturday.

I have received the following picture of my boys from my mom.

Lapo is on the left  hand side and he is a new born baby.

His brother Chicco is next to him. In this picture Chicco is happy to lay next to his new born brother Lapo.

I wrote to Chicco and Simona in Italian.

I have prepared a drawing for Lapo.

I sent my mail on Saturday to La Canada. We leave in La Canada.

I have also sent a letter to my mom at  her summer house.

She goes there for a few weeks during the hot summer months.

I sent it to her in Fano, Italy.

Please read the return address: it is the  house in La Canada I used to have.
Before many ... before.

On Saturday evening I went to the Maya theater.
I saw a nice movie.
It is called Train Wreck. It is a fine and hilarious movie.

About love, support. It teaches to fight for what one's believes are.

Over the weekend I reiterate the notion that the tiny and cramped apartment 623 is CNS's apartment.

Not my house. 
I do not own this place CNS owns it.
My house is cleaned and well kept. Apartment 623 is dirty in the common leaving zone.
I do not like it at all.

I like my own apartment when I was leaving by myself and keeping it clean overall.

I do not like at all. I guess CNS has understood it for long time.
I am just reiterating it for  clarity.

Last Sunday I did recycle.
Earlier during the week I had picked up a lot of things in the park. They were scattered on  the lawn, 

I never pick up the recyclable from the trash. I am a decent person.

Well going back to the recyclable I made $3.86.

Kyle drove us to the recyclable center near El Pollo Loco.

On Sunday I went to the gym before church.
I did my own program.
I like it very much.

-Stepper 3.6 miles  in 25 minute level 7
-rotary torso 2x40lb+ 1x50lb
-Leg Press  horizontal  3x80lb
-leg curl 80lb x3

Later on Sundayevening I went to church. Alex  as always drove us to church. 
Everything is fine.
I met Cindy and Mary. 
Father Bartholomew 


Over the weekend my wife and the our kids went to visit my mother at the seaside in Fano. Italy.

In this picture your see my brother Francesco - dark sun glasses- playing with our kids.

Lapo is next to him while Chicco is at his far right.

In this picture my brother Franeco -red T-shirt- is playing with our kids.
He has an inflatable mattress. Lapo likes  floating  on  the sea.

Later during the day the whole family went to eat at a local simple restaurant.

It is called Il Pescatore and serves local fish.
 The fist is Pesce Azzurro. 
The service is quick and efficient.

In this picture my mom is on the left hand side. Facing my mother is Sara. Sara is Francesco's wife.
She is my sister in law.

In the picture below we have the  family reunited at home in Fano.

My mom in red, my brother Francesco in white. Chicco with a grey Jersey. Finally Lapo with a green T-shirt.

It is a nice picture.

Please note Chicco's tall structure.
 Our eldest son it getting bigger and higher everyday.

I bet the boys polished their Italian language while staying in Fano.

On The way back from Fano Simona took the train.
The trip back to Rome took a bit longer as there was a delay on the train connection.
Anyway the family is now back to Rome. The kids are fine. 
Today they are going to visit Orietta. Orietta leaves in Rome.
She is married with Frez and she has four kids.

Orietta and Simona have been knowing each other from the high school Time.

Please  enjoy the reading

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