Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Lunch July 14th

I  had my meditation session today with Matt.
We talked about the five strength (pala):

1) conviction ( principle that change our actions)
2) persistence ( quality that make us to maintain a certain curse of action)
3) mindfulness ( the quality of being aware of something)
4) concentration
5) discernment ( the ability to judge well)

After meditation I had my break.

I had my lunch with a freshly made arugula salad, cherry tomatoes, green apple, nuts and Italian dressing.

I also  had a sandwich with Smoked Trout and cream cheese. 

Finally a couple of apricot.

During lunch I called Simona in Rome. She was taking care of our kids.
Lapo came down with a ear infection and hence Simona  had to bring him to see the local doctor.
Lapo got prescribed a treatment based on aerosol. Right now he is a bit down.
Everybody is fine,
I am going to work on my template

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