Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday July 16

yesterday after my therapy I had a good dinner: Burrata cheese with a side of a healthy salad.

At 5pm I signed for movie

I then went to the gym.
Yesterday it was my cycle day with Jeanette. After cycle I did body pump with Silvia.

I stayed light on my weight and I am feeling well. I also drunk a lot of water.
It is all good.

At the gym I introduced my myself to Erwin. He is always at the gym with me.
A nice guy.

Kyle dropped me at the gym while Francine came to pick me up at 7 pm.

As usual one at the apartment I started my shut down procedure with a soothing shower followed by a late snack.

Finally I went to bed and waken up early at 6am as usual. I can not stay in bed past this time.

I got my quick shower, great breakfast, cleaned my bedrooms and stepped out.

I went to get my daily newspaper in the furthest point of the park.

While there I collected a bag full of recyclable material.. I do not mind it was in the park left by somebody. It would have been thrown away by the city park management anyway.

In my opinion it is good do work to keep a good environment... a good action is always rewarded.

Chicco and Lapo are in Rome with Simona.

Yesterday Chicco enjoyed Cotolette while Lapo had Calamari.

The boys are going to the beach with Simona.

They  are going to  a pool with sea water where Rita has a cabin.

Rita is the eldest of Simona's cousin in Rome.

Lapo is getting better, his cough is clearing. He is making a lot of aerosol.

Today Simona mentioned that she  is going to have dinner with her little cousin Marta. Marta is the daughter of aunt Elena. Elena is Anna's sister. Anna is Simona's mom.

At noon the family went to the beach. They had pizzette, tramezzino and gelato.

Lapo is definitely better. He has been swimming in the swimming pool. He uses armrests to swim.

 I am feeling great.

Today the news of the day is that the NASA team has received the first images of Pluto. These images has been beamed back by The New Horizon spacecraft.

This is the New Horizon spacecraft.

NASA pluto's page here.

It is all good and fine.

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