Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday March 31 afternoon

Tomorrow Lapo turns 5 years old. He is an April fool boy!. We are both very lucky as he is a very cheerful and happy children. We call him broccolo!

So happy birthday Lapo! You have made it, you are a big boy. Both Simona and me we are proud of you two boys. You are sweet and strong persons, growing like weeds. So thank you Simona for being such a wonderful person with our family
Tomorrow you are going to be traveling to S.Diego for a conference, but the boys are going to be covered by your mom Anna
So don't you worry too much, you are covered in many ways/. I am watching your back as everybody here at CNS, above all Sarah makes sure that I am coming home to you safe and sound
So my love look at the stars and pick one, this is the one that lead our way. I am always with you when you watch the sky at night. You know, we are like angels and we can fly when we are together. Well.. to tell it all I have to pay attention on not flying too high, otherwise I have to start again from the beginning
I have had my present for today, the economist and the book I asked you about leadership. I will read it very carefully, I have read a very good review in the economist
Baci baci
Tra un po' vado in palestra

Thank you Sarah and CNS

Monday March 31

Yesterday we went to church with  Britney, we went to S.Francis church. The church was full. The priest celebrating the function did an excellent job. He talked about the Lentils season and about what fasting means in our life. Here are a few notes I took: during the lentil season we need to
1)  fast from passing judgement
2) fast from complaining
3) fast from hatred and anger
4) fast from resentment and victim-ism , that is no bitterness
5) fast from spending too much money or time

We need to ask the Creator to touch our heart and life
We can do small things pleasing God and they will bring joy in your life

As church I have greeted the couple that always lead the singing in church. She is Stephanie and he is Marc (like  in the Bible,  he told me)

Alright it is beautiful Monday . Tomorrow it is April 1st (April fool) and most importantly it is Lapo B-day -our second son. Lapo will turn 5 years old. I am very proud of his achievements. Simona is going to be traveling to S.Diego for a conference. It is an important meeting that happens every two years. She is going to be therewith four students, a post-doc, and of course Simona. Overall 6 people

Simona confirmed she will not have time to swing by home for Lapo's birthday, anyway over there we have Anna at home. Anna is Simona's mom and she is taking good care of the boys, besides the boys love Anna very much.

Simona is going to be attending the conference in S. Diego the whole next week. I know she is well, as she is working hard for the whole family. I hope she is going to have some time to take care of herself. I know when she goes around she is always working hard and hopefully she is finding time to take care of herself
I know my wife, and I feel in my heart she is going to be OK

Today I should be receiving an interesting book that I asked Simona for. I read the Economist's review and it is clearly resonating with me.

As a thank you note, I have given to Sarah my awesome Case Manager a nice letter and some stickers for Ian her youngest son. You know whenever I can I like to show my gratitude for her hard work and her care for me. I am probably one of her many projects, but nevertheless I am as important to her as she is to me
Here is anyway my morning day, I like to start my day with the persons most close to me, ie my family and Sarah  my Case Manager

I like to think that Sarah has many case to work with, but she is really important to me, and I am likewise very important to her. Every time I feel in trouble I talk to Sarah, and I trust  she is going to take care of my well-being.  As mentioned before Sarah is really an awesome Case Manager. She is forgiving and she is proving good insight into my recovery  

Anyway Happy B-day Lapo tomorrow you are turning 5!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday March 30 2014. It is a Sicilian Feast for Simona

Alright this is my posting for today.Yesterday  evening It was Movie night, I forgot to sign on so Sarah Hartford has taken care of it on my behalf! Thank you Sarah. We went  to see Noah at the late show in the evening

The movie we saw is  Noah and I have enjoyed it. It has Russell Crowe, Emma Thomson, Antony Hopkins
I like it as Noah calls God the Creator

I liked the movie as it shows the strength and faith of a person faced with an enormous task. Beside the movie is based on a bond between Moses and his wife. They are both strong persons and very capable ones. I am bot pretending to be Moses as I have never built an arch let alone add a relationship with the Creator as strong as Moses had. Anyway I have a strong love for you as Moses had for his wife and his family. In that respect I am a small Moses.. with all due respect.

At the movie there was Shawn as usual taking care of the customers and then I met Larry and Janice both of them I normally meet at the gym. Larry knows me as Joseph, this time Sarah wasn't surprised hearing Larry referring to me as Joseph. I will see both Larry and Janice at the gym on Monday again.

Today it is Sunday so it is a day off the clinic.
We went first to do recycle with Manuel I had quite a lot, as Rina -a lady at the gym -did bring me several bags to recycle, so thank you Rina you are a very noble person. Anyway it was a pleasant trip this time only myself and Manuel to the recycle center. I met only Michael as he was the only one over there.
For lunch I had a wonderful Pasta alla Norma.. my own version of it, in honor of Simona and, my love and most definitely wonderful lady. To tell the truth I was missing ricotta so I have replaced with some other cheese.

I also have made a wonderful salad with tomatoes carrot Oranges (YES the Sicilian version has Oranges) all with a light vinaigrette and olive oil. As usual I have had it with you and Sarah

It is in honor of my wife Simona.
It is everything alright,  Anna is taking care of Chicco while you  are with Lapo in your dreamland. And you are dreaming about a guy with green eyes that loves you very much and is cooking eggplants with you my dearly love. I miss you that much but as I told you many time our bond is as strong as ever, don't you worry too much to the extend that my green eyes are keeping me up on my feet you know I am going to be out of trouble, well my eyes are green but hey are only for you.. I might flipping my eyelashes around but hey I am an Italian dude I like to show off a bit but  don't you worry I am married to you.  I am back on the top of mountain with you my love, together we can fly high in the sky, please remember I need you to get there, as alone I can not flip my wings. So please wait for me and forgive me if I am going to be a bit behind you, but I will be watching your back, as I know you are always covering my tracks. And that is what love is about. we are soul mate for life, when are you coming out to dinner with me my beloved wife?

 Well as I have explained you many time I am having a trip for Johnny Cash..I live a lot both his music and his poesy. You see my love I am working my way out for you.

I will see you next time

Here is a sentence I found interesting to report: Free people are free to make mistakes you have to pick and choose... I have heart it at NPR radio about the upcoming movie "The unknown Known '

Well I am sure it make all sense for you I hope so, please do take care of yourself as I am taking care of myself
Giuseppe.. the Italian guy that has so many fans in Bakersfield. Among them Sarah and Simona the two biggest supporters of mine

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday March 29

Already it is almost April. Today to clinic it is my day off.. this morning I took care of the house did my normal routing of cleaning and washing everything. Do you believe that pairing my socks takes that much time and focus? Anyway I did my grocery shopping at my favorite shop, i.e. trader Joe's
Over there I am very popular. I had the chance to talk to Jamie one of the store employee, when we have the chance we always exchange information about life and our families. She mentioned to say hi to Simona and the boys, I explained that Lapo is going to turn 5 at the beginning of April (yes he is an April fool boy!)
Jamie mentioned that her husband Thorn is well, and that her son Logan is now 2.5 years old an her daughter Logan now 5 will start home school. It is a little experiment for her family
Over there I was introduced to Denise a new employee. I introduced myself and explained to her why I was there and who I am. I think that I did a good job and I joke with Jamie going trough our history. Anyway she is sending her best regards to Simona and our kids
As a matter of fact Simona is going to be traveling to S.Diego for a conference next week
Anna -my mother in law- and Simona's mom is back in town to help her by looking after the broccoli as they are staying back in town while Simona is traveling.
Simona is going to be in S.Diego for the next week and afterward she is back in town for a bit in time to say hi to Lapo who turns 5 on April 1st and then Simona is going to the East Coast (New Hampshire)  for another conference. I believe Simona is going to bring me back something from both trip. I think she is going to bring me back her heart, her smile and her eyes. I know my wife, she is going for the important staff and for my weak point. I confess I have a weakness right on my left part of the body for her, obviously my heart belongs to her. But you don't have to worry about my heat it belongs to you as my green eyes.. pictured below

And now my goofing around with my computer and phone.. a composition for Simona

It is a self portrait less flattering than it was supposed to be but who am I? I am the one with the green eyes that so much is in love with  his wife. Why I am so popular with all of you? Because I am an Italian sweet Dude.. As I am trying to reach for my beer I always misplace it in the rear. It is lost like my car? I bet Simona has a good recollection on where they both are
You know, I really feel my
Wife is fine, she is so great to move on by taking care of everything this is what love means for us
I love my wife and I know she loves me back. Lately  she has been
Busy running the whole business without my green eyes around but I know that if there is a person in the world that can do it, it is my wife

Don't you worry Simona many are going for the green this year but you are the one that has already won my eyes and my heart..

Beside remember that the broccoli are green too? So this year we are all going for the green....

I bet Sarah will agree as well....on Monday I need to check with her

Next time my love do you wear green too?

By the way this little piece if for you.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday March 28 2014 second post

I found a couple of typos on the previous post, what is done is done! this is what Sarah always is telling me, so here it is enjoy your reading, I need to go
Best Regards

Friday March 28 2014

Alright, it is Friday and I am having a blast!

Earlier today I saw James and I mentioned him that my frigo dispenser water comes out as water rather than beer, James promptly pointed out  that the filter is obviously too strong and that he is going to check it out
Both Brad and Gary agreed with me

At the apartment they are working at the asphalt as they are resurfacing the pavement
They told me (by chatting in Spanish with a guy over there) that they are going to be done in a couple of days
so until then I can not park my park within the premises of the center. I am sure Simona is going to find an alternative place to park my car.

Well beside the parking I had a really good breakfast with my family: a healthy and nutritious meal.
I have asked Brian at the reception if during my breakfast and personal hygiene nobody would bottle me, and so it has been. I prefer this was as I am an independent person , I am independent and my family is always with me
 While eating breakfast I normally listen to NPR radio, it is always good to start the day by knowing what has happened in the world. I am a very world oriented person. Right now NPR is completing its Spring member fund rising so it is quite remarkable what the NPR people are trying to accomplishing by encouraging listener to donate money to the radio. It is a very valuable treasure of the democratic process

Anyway this morning at the center I had my PT, Sarah knows me quite well and I have enjoyed my morning  run by jogging a couple of miles. I paid attention in keeping my balance so everybody was happy to see me run by making sure I was keeping track of my feet. Nick Rasmussen my PT therapist is a big fan of my improvements

I value very much Nick's input and suggestion, so I am proud of working with him. For instance one piece of advice is that I am better going slow and keep the center of the treadmill so that I can safely stay in the middle. By the way today I haven't see Sarah as she is travelling 
It is OK I know she is very busy but Darlene is handling everything when she is not around.

My plan for the evening is to go to the gym to do Zumba toning
Tomorrow it is Saturday and I prefer going to the gym to work out -there are no classes at that time of the day. I have to say I have become a gym fanatic which is good, sport is my amusement at the time. Which is good as I am working a lot on my physical recuperation. At least I here to write to you what my thinking brain - as Chicco our eldest son- keeps saying to us.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27 Staffed peppers

Alright I love cooking, so this is my creation for tonight: staffed peppers

Serving: well it makes 4 halves so I suppose it serves 4 people
2 green bell peppers
1 packaged ground meet
1 packaged crumble bread
shredded mozzarella
2 eggs
salt, peppers and basil
In a container mix the ground meet with both broken eggs and the crumble bread. Add spices at will, I like some salt, peppers and olive oil, then a tad of basil
Mix well so that the meet and the eggs come together to make a moist paste

Cut in halves the green peppers, remove the seeds and wash them carefully
Add the meat based mix and top it with shredded mozzarella and basic

You are done now put in the haven for about 30-40  minute at 430F
You will see that the peppers start to turn brown on the side, this means they are ready
Let it stand a bit and serve ... if you have beer enjoy responsively
I rather go with coffe and water

Please let me know what it tastes like

March 27 2014 after lunch

I am a free person capable of making my own choice, so I decided to work on my blog, it is a far better skills in life being able to type on a keyboard and being able to organize my  thoughts.
you see I am a proud and determined person, and I really like to do what I like to do, that is to say today  it has to be my way, and this is one of these way where it is either my way or the highway.

It must be all the adrenaline that is pumping right now, it must be my talking brain that tells me to stand proud for what it is right.. you see I believe on what it is right
So right now it is right for me to work here at this blog of mine, it is my own blog and my own brain speaking to you

A far better place to be in life is  to sit at a key board and to work on a computer. This is my job after all, working with a computer and following my way of doing thing. Pretty inflexible? Well again the choice is the highway or my way. And believe me my way is really shorter than the highway. I have showed you in my professional achievements in life, I dare to do better than me .. better if you can.

Among other thing I am asking Sarah, my Case Manger to have a word with her as soon as she is available.
you know, it is possible to ask for an appointment however she is so busy, and I hope she is available at some point to talk with me....

In the mean time I am working at this blog of mine, as a copying skill it is pretty good, far better to sit in front of a computer than to sit  in front of another person passing around $20 cents photocopies  worth only the paper they are written upon or presenting another useless video of a guy talking about irrelevant concept t to me. It is true I have no coping skills for this aspect of the so called therapy. I am too much of an expensive person to listening to another guy to tell me something I don't value very much.

So just to be clear to all of you, I am done with all this.. never mind I am done with your guys and I going to determine my own way (like Frank Sinatra)

You see I belong to myself, and I am capable of making my own decisions. So today I prefer to keep working here at the computer. Nobody is telling me anything. I have make up my mind.

Anyway I am really tired of being at CNS, can you image what is like to be for 2 plus years here? Away from home and my family, away from  my kids and my wife, away from my real life?  I  clearly have not got used to all this checking a controlling on me. So in a way my coping skills are assertive and overall capable of taking the direction that I am setting for the day.

I hope somebody is reading this message, it is a message in a bottle after all, but you have to break the bottle to read it 
Do you dare? 


March 27 2014

Alright I like my you?
A miss you Simona but I feel you closer than ever

Do not worry, my love we are closer than ever
just think about yourself and the kids
we are good

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26 2014 thank you CNS

Yesterday I went to the gym and I met Jessica and Jessica at the check in counter
Then Kelly and David were also there, Naomi the Manager mentioned her kids are well'
Miss Alexis Romero helped me a lot, she is a wonderful person. She is working hard on her study and on her life. I have a great esteem on her ethic

Thank you Sarah and Renee

March 26 2014 a poem for Simona

Alright, today it rains here in Bakersfield. We need the rain as it has been a very dry year thus far.I am quite sure the farmers are looking at the rain with a sign of relieve.
This morning as usual I had breakfast with my family, while listening to Johnny Cash music.Let it go is a good song. I like it very much. When Simona comes I am sure she is going to be happy to see my improved music taste... from heavy metal to Johnny Cash.. it is a good progress

Earlier I greeted Sarah my wonderful Case Manager, you see I I got to know all case managers at the clinic, Laura, Shawn and his brother Scott, and of course Sarah my wonderful Case Manager. I haven't seen Tana today, but earlier her husband Brad mentioned to me he did not see her either

Anyway I am working with everybody to be as much a joyful person.
Yesterday Matt gave a book about meditation that I started reading, then Levi brought me a magnet for the fridge that I have at home

Here is my night composition for Simona, it came yesterday night to me before sleeping.. it is based on my memory with her.. it is dedicated to her love and her smile. There is a touch of autobiographical inspiration as many facts are based on our life. So here it is :

" When we are together we are like two angels capable of flying  high above the sky
It is a wonderful feeling seeing the earth from above the clouds , looking into your eyes and being with you into space

As you certainly remember we share our wings since we share our hearts

I am watching your back while you  are watching mine.

Don't you worry too much about me, Sarah is making sure I am catching
the wind to come back home and I don't burn myself by being too close to the sun

Overall I am looking for the wind of freedom that is so familiar to us

While I am learning to fly high please smile at me. As when  you smile the sky is clearly a better place for us to be.
I always see you with me and with some steamed broccoli as a side

I love you Simona be strong my beautiful wife, be strong"

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25 2014 Broccoli playing in the park

Alright the broccoli -our sons- are playing in the park on the slider. You see they are really happy kids
Well Lapo will turn 5 at the end of this month of March

Happy B-day Lapo from your daddy


March 25 2014- A post about Johnny Cash and Simona

I have recently downloaded an album about Johnny Cash, all the classical songs. I really like it! I share this latest discovery with a lot of people among other Lester, my friend and mentor at AltaSens. He agrees that the collection of songs is worth the time and the effort.
So right now I have become a fan of Johnny Cash

Actually the good thing is that all the therapist at CNS are doing a great job working hard for us, and working hard to make our staying as pleasant as possible. They are all great people. I came to appreciate their effort and their determination to keep up with everybody. You see the philosophy her at CNS is that  tomorrow is always another day to get better and to compete the job that was left dangling around.

So today I feel obliged to thank all the therapists at CNS and above all Sarah my wonderful Case Manger
She is always smiling at me and being my strongest cheerleader, together with Simona my wife they make a formidable duo that is ready to go a long way for me.

So rather that completing this post with Johnny Cash I would like to think about Simona  (pictured below) and her courage and strength

Simona and our kids are the glue of our universe, so it is clear that they are keeping it together while  I am moving on 

Right now I am working on my strength and balance, today we did Yoga with Emy Kobe as Tina retired, tomorrow we have balance in Yoga. Later today I will go to the gm as I don't have anything to buy as Personal shopping I am better going to the gym so that I am staying out of any troubles
Well, I am doing my best to stay out of troubles, and I am determined to get back to my own family, more that ever. I am planning to run back home, so I am better to get in shape for a long run. It will take me a while yet, but hey.. one step at the time.

Sometime two 
Alight I do appreciate your kindness guys and your pleasant disposition with everybody
I need to get going
Have a great day

March 25 2014 A Poem for Simona

This is my latest creation for Simona from last night, it based on what my brain and my heart are  telling me about my memory.

You see the story goes that when Simona and I  got engaged before our wedding, at the time I was in Upstate New York  ready to move to California while Simona  was back in Rome getting organized to cross the Ocean. Well the story goes that Simona sent me a blue T-shirt with half an Angel on the   front.  The  other corresponding T-shirt was left back in  Italy for her.
So whenever we were together and we were wearing  these T-shirt it was like if we were a full completed angel

Here it is the current composition for you to enjoy:

When we are together we are like two angels capable of flying  high above the sky
It is a wonderful feeling seeing the earth from above the clouds , looking into your eyes and being with you into space

As you certainly remember we share our wings since we share our hearts

I am watching your back while you  are watching mine.

Don't you worry too much about me, Sarah is making sure I am catching
the wind to come back home and I don't burn myself by being too close to the sun, I don't want to fly too close to the sun as otherwise my wings will melt and I will not be able to fly back home to you. 

Overall I am looking for the wind of freedom that is so familiar to us, the wind of love and tenderness that we share inside ourselves.

While I am learning to fly high please smile at me. When you smile the sky is clearly a better place for us to be. I always see you with me and with some steamed broccoli as a side.
You know that we love our  broccoli in our family

Be reassure I am always with you

March 25 2014 -Rise and Shine

I am well and strong, don't you worry my love Sarah and all the CNS is taking good care of me. 
You go girl, it is a long road but I am coming home to you
You are my sunshine and my strength

I hope you have enjoyed your skiing trip
I love you and I know your strength is helping me everyday
Baci Baci

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Trader Joe's people

Alright, I would like to tell you something about the persons working at Trader Joe's
First of all I always say hi to Andy, he is a nice guy that loaned me $10 in a moment of need. After repaying back his good gesture I always say hi to him
Second person I am friend with is Jamie. she is another person working over there. Jamie's husband's name is Thorn. Jamie's son is Logan and he is 2.5years old, she also has a daughter Delaney who is like Lapo almost 5 years old.  Anyway overall I am a nice guy you all know it.So Simona don't you worry too much about me, just enough to make sure I am taking the route back home. As I am coming back running, it will take me still some time, but hey who said I am finding the key for the car along the way? We will see..
Stay strong my love
Baci baci

Sunday March 23 2014

Alright I am digging into the hard drive of this laptop and I keep finding old pictures of the boys. Old treasures from other times.
In this picture Lapo must have been 3 look at his hair and at his complexion. I think we were in Pasadena.. but ultimately Simona has the last words

 Here Lapo is going by himself with a bicycle and looks really focused on his task.

This is a family picture with Andrea visiting us -Andrea is Simona's brother and has been leaving in Belgium since he works at the ALOF commission of the European Union (t is the European Police for Good Business Practice) 

Lapo is 2 years hold and Chicco is 5 years old. Me.. well I am clearly over 21! 
Today Simona is still at Big Bear Skiing with the kiddos
Simona told me she is going to bring me back something from her vacation at Big Bear. I trust Simona is going to make the right choice

Yesterday evening I went to the movie to see the Muppet Most Wanted movie. I enjoyed very much the show. It is a story of love and passion between a frog and piglet girl, it is an impossible lobe story but at the end LOVE prevails against the evil doers. I went at the movie watching the show by myself, I don't mind at all being by myself, I have always Simona and the kids with me.

I am listening to some Johnny Cash music, it is pretty good.
Well as agreed you take care at Big Bear, you are been back on Monday evening, if I may ask for a favor please bring me back some white snow.. if it lasts throughout the trip, otherwise water is perfectly fine.
I my be using the snow to cool down my beer..
Stay well my love, eat and don't make me worry too much. You know that Sarah and all CNS are working to make me get safe back to you.

Now some NPR news

Ukraine is really in turmoil because of Russia; in Africa (Southern Guinea) there is an outbreak of Ebola, and people and medical personnel are scrambling to contain the virus. 

You know Sarah is covering my track at her bests, but as you know I like to make my life worth living!

When I see Dustin, I will ask him -first of all about his girlfriend, then about Nucky his dog and about his hair.. well he mentioned that he is going for the Einstein look, and he is clearly doing well.
When I will see Michael Liebel I will check about Simon Nero and Sexycat

Seriously speaking President Obama is in Europe and he will stop to meet Pope Francis, I believe it is going to be a very interesting meeting. I believe they are going to have a really good understanding of where catholic faith is going in the world.

Well I need to go now,
thank you all for reading this post of mine and for checking our family pictures

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday March 22

Dear Simona
I know you are busy with the broccoli today, I am sure you are having a lot of good things to tell from the place you all are. So please enjoy your staying have a good time and please watch out for the nigh altitude sun, you know Big Bear sun is really cooking in this season
Anyway this morning Tami did my coverage, first of all she is warmly saying hi to you and she encourages you to keep going. Tami is telling me that her son Dominique is going through his terrible 2 so she is busy at home. Lucky her husband Nathan is helping a lot

Anyway today I took care of my weekend activities, as you know it involves cleaning and changing the bed and doing all the clothes washing. As usual the longest part is to to the socks matching after drying. This time only two socks resulted at odd. I frankly don't know what has happen to their double!
Oh well...
I went to Trader Joe's and did my grocery shopping. As usual I spent $85 a big more than my $75. Anyway I did not buy the beer as I was already over my limit and besides Sarah would not have find it agreeable.
I have said hi to Andy, to Moses, to Lisa and to Jamie. They all work at the store. Jamie told me that her husband Thorn is doing great, that her son Logan is 2.5 years old and her daughter Delaney is 5
As I have brought my bag your name and number has been entered in the raffle. Soon or later you are going to receive the call. As agreed 80% for you and 20% for Sarah.
Today I had grabbed some stickers for Ian, but once here at home I could not find it. Anyway I will keep looking afterward.
Thomas came buy earlier to talk a bit we got a coffee together and then he left.
Later I will be going to the movie, today is the Muppet show so that I can tell something about it to the broccoli when I see them
Don't you worry to much it is all good, Sarah is working her magic and everybody else is doing their  part.
so please listen to me once in a while, enjoy the slope and be reassured that I am OK

Whenever we will see each other we will see, remember my love, our bond goes beyond space and time because it is a bond for life!

We depend on each other don't we!
Please hug the broccoli from me

Baci baci

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21 2014

Alright very quickly
here is my lunch ...mole!

I add a very god PT session.
Well I probably need to go in a while

Dustin told me he is going to the mad scientist look, effectively he looks like Einstein!
I finally understood where he is going!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday March 20 2014 First day of Spring!

Alright, it is the first day of spring, we made it even this year! It is solstice time again!
 in this images I am goofing around at the clinic while eating lunch and outside while I am drinking my coffee

My wonderful lunch -decided to eat healthy I had Ravioli from Trader Joe's with a bunch of asparagus dipped on olive oil
Of course my coffee followed afterward

Yesterday I have received my growth hormone from Simona- it is called Igf1 and it is a shot I need to take everyday. I have also received a new water bottle from Simona- let's see how long it last! thus far it is with me!
Simona sent me some T-shirt for doing sport and some socks. Simona has forgotten to send me a bottle opener but I always forget to buy any bottle to be opened! It is alright, we all forget something along the way

Today I showed my sign of gratitude to my wonderful Case Manager. I know she appreciate it, and I like showing my appreciation for her and her family
In a way she is covering my back, as at the gym they have a T-shirt saying "we cover your back!"
Well I trust and rely on Sarah to get better. To tell the truth I have had my moment, but she is encouraging always to move on. Sarah's point of view is that we can not change the past since we have done what has been done, but we can change our future. I trust and want to believe on Sarah as she is fully aware of my recovering process. Actually all Case Manger at CNS are really wonderful, but I have to say Sarah is my case manager.
I miss Simona my wife and our kids, Chicco is 8 and Lapo turn 5 at the end of this months.
They both are sweet boys

Well I am always at the gym! Today I am going to dance the Zumba, I will tell hi to Maria - a person I met at the gym and to Lydian, Naomi, Gerry and Prince: they all work at the gym. Naomi's sons have almost the same age as our kids, Lydian has a cut named Furby!
I always meet people I know in the community and for the once I don't remeber their name I ask them to repeat me again

Alright in the picture below Simona -my wonderful wife- is shown together with our eldest son Chicco who is 8. We are at the Inelligentsia coffee in Pasadena, East colorado
If ever you swing by Pasadena they make a wonderful coffee

Actually my day started really well, having breakfast with my family and with Sarah my case Manager
They are all wonderful persons, and I trust all of the dearly as they work with me on my recovery. You see my water bottle is also included in this picture, as I lost countless of water bottles.. Simona got me even this time a new one. It is clear, so that it obvious I add water rather than beer. One of these days I will make tea to see what is the reaction.  I will let you know

Well today I am going to do Zumba at the gym
Simona is busy as she is doing Zumba at a different gym, she is really sporty, she is doing Zumba everyday!
I love my wife, she has a really beautiful smile and strength.
Alright in a short while I will need to go
I hope you enjoy reading this entry of mine

Have a great day- first day of Spring

Giuseppe and family

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

T shirt

Today Simona sent me some new T Shirt, I took a picture but right now I am able to post it. Believe me they are very cool. Simona is really taking good care of me. Next time she mention ... it is going to be another surprise

I love surprise... particularly when it is a surprise from Simona

Need to go now


My wonderful lunch

Alright my wonderful lunch is shown below, I had carrbonara pasta with a healthy salad with Chia seeds (courtesy of Steve our nutritionist expert at CNS)

March 19 Wednesday posting

Mach 19, it is father's day in Italy and we celebrate St. Joseph
As my name is Giuseppe (Joseph) this is my day to celebrate my fatherhood and my name

Today I have been crunchy at the clinic, I recognize it but it is one of these day. Anyway what is done is done (Sarah docet)
Today I have received my IGF1 growth hormone I need to get a shot everyday as my brain does not generate enough hormone. The package below shows by gift for today
Simona my wife is really on top of everything. I am sure I am deserving her love and attention. I know she is well and busy with school. Last time we talk she had a cold and still working at Ca tech doing exams

Anyway today I did Yoga for one last time with Tina, she is retiring in Silver Lake. Amy Kobe is the new yoga teacher, she has been overlapping Tina for the past few weeks, to enable an easy transition
Such is life: Panta Rei, ie All changes constantly.. Here I am showing off a bit about my knowledge   of ancient philosophy, but what can I do, it is part of being me!

The plan for today is to go to the gym at 5:45. I am going everyday except on Saturday-movie and on Sunday church. Once in a while I skip Tuesday whenever I need to do Personal Shopping, but I am trying to minimize these events.
Well, I am happy that Simona and our kids are fine

Sara  - my Case Manager- is looking after my recovery as well.
We take care of each other as much as possible.
Anyway I need to go now
Happy Father's day to everybody
Giuseppe and family

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18 2014 yet another post

Alright, I have compiled data for my grocery shopping since January, I have plotted the data since now, the data is very telling it goes up and down, the key is that the average is $76 rather that my availability which is $75. I think I need to do better to stay on budget, I have a couple of ideas, for instance cutting on Chocolate and on Beer purchasing :) certainly will allow me to get back to my budget. I think I can do it with a little of attention and plan. As Sarah mentions, what is done is done! Sarah is my wonderful case Manager, she knows how to make sure I have the treatment I need to get better. I fully trust Sarah, and all the case Manager for that matter.
Tomorrow is St. Joseph so we celebrate my name and also we celebrate Dad's day. I am Joseph and I am a dad of two beautiful  children. Lapo the youngest turns 5 at the   beginning of the next month- while Chicco is 7 years old. They are both good boys

Anyway have a good trip Tina, you will be missed., but you deserve you wonderful retirement with your family. Miss Kobe has been quietly taking assisting during the recent days so that she is going to be ready to take over when it is time

We are all sad to see you going, but as  they say in France "c'est la vie"

Simona my wife is still fighting with a cold, she was doing exams nevertheless. Simona is a real tough cookies, I am very proud of herself
this is my wife, always with me.. space and distance are relative terms when you have such a wonderful person at your side!

Alright have a good day all!


March 18 Second post

Alright, tomorrow is St. Joseph which is my name's celebration day, also know in Italy as Dad's day

As Simona can attest you I am a dad and also a dude, this is way she sent me the hat below. I think I have already post it, but hey I am very proud of my wife and of my hat...

Speaking of item related to my health, Simona has made sure that my growth hormone would be delivered on time, by  Wednesday. Yesterday nursing notified me I was getting low, so I called Simona and she has talked to the pharmacy to make sure my ( growth hormone) called IGF1 is delivered on time.
I need to take this shot everyday because my body does not produce enough by itself.
It is OK Simona is covering my back with this medication. I know Simona is gdoing a great Job!
I love and trust my wife, Sarah my Case Manager  and all the staff at CNS. It is a long way but the only way to get better and the only way to move forward in life
I am very lucky... to the extend I keep myself out of troubles we are all fine.
I need to go in a bit
Enjoy the reading
Have a great day!\
Giuseppe :)

March 18 Isabella Birtday

Today is March 18,that is it is my sister Isabella B-day. She turns.. well she turns one year older than last year. I called her last night with a good Skype video call  to wish her a Happy Birthday.  My sister lives in Dusseldorf, Germany so it hard for me to find the right time to reach her.
Anyway, I reached her, and it is my present to her. I am sure she was surprised and happy at the same time.

Today we did Yoga with Tina, tomorrow Tina is leaving us and she retires elsewhere with her family and Silly Lilly her dog

We have been having a new yoga teacher for the last few days, her name is Amy Kobe. She has been patiently following the class.
Today the clinic has been giving me a present to Tina, it is a CNS hat, I presented  it to her with pride and joy. Well I am happy to see Tina leaving happy and relaxed, at the same time she will be missed her at CNS
I've got to know Tina quite well, also her friend Damon, I meet him quite often at the gym (fitness club). Yesterday Damon mentioned that he is very sad seeing Tina leaving
Anyway such is life, everything changes, as mentioned before Greek people used to say Panta Rei - which means that everything moves around. This is what Sarah, my wonderful Case Manager always tells me: Giuseppe you have to move on in order to get better. And believe Sarah knows what she is talking about.

Back to the Yoga teacher for a second, Amy Kobe is the new teacher and she will be taking over in the next few days. She has been very patiently attending the last few sessions of the week, working closely with Tina to match her stile. I guess she is going to do a good job!

The last piece of today is that I have been paid by Michael, one of the Education Therapist at CNS. Michael is very nice, I am trying my best to keep my bill in order and this week I needed help from Michael. I The reason for my confusion is that I decided  to cut on my consumption of  sweet and cookies, as a result I don't eat any longer as much as dark chocolate nor as much as Dibs that I use to eat before.

Anyway Sarah - My case manager, Renee- my RTC and my wife Simona are doing a great job in making sure I am always following my program

I love you

I love you Simona and Sarah
You are the bests


Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday March 17

Alright it is S.Patrick day. So I ma wearing Green today as you can see from this image. Besides my eye my -shirt is also green. As usual today I had breakfast with my family. Miss Griffith did my coverage today and she made sure It was all in order. In this picture I am goofing around as usual. As you know I like to be goofy.

yesterday evening it was Sunday and we went to church at the S.Francis churn in H street/
Father Greg is finally back! I received his first communion of the day. He is a really nice person and good priest. Well at S. Francis they are all really good, but my history with Father Greg goes a long time backward.
On Sunday afternoon I did recycle with the staff. Michael was there and I was happy to see him. I had a bunch of things to recycle - it is good for the environment as Simona my wife always tells me, so whenever I can I do recycle.. Michael is really a good and courteous person with everybody. I like his service skills and his personal touch. 
on Saturday I took care of some errands, I cleaned the house took care of cleaning the house and washing my clothes and changing my bedding. Well the usual item that you have to do once a week.
I have also done my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's . I said hi to Jamie and to Andy both are my good friends. Jamie mentioned that her husband and her son Thor are well. She is really a good person. Of course she inquired about Simona and our kiddos.  We got to know each others over my permanence in Bakersfield.
On Saturday evening I went to see a movie called " 300 rise of an empire"  (300 movie
it is the story of the fight of the Greek people against Xerxes the evil  Persian invader 
the story goes that the Greek soldier are holding the ground at the famous battle of Termopolis . 
The good aspect of the story is that the Greek army is composed by mostly farmers and artisans. Most important they are all free men that is they have chosen to be there to fight for their family, their country and themselves. And this is making the difference against and army of mercenaries. \Anyway I also add the chance to write a thank you note to Sarah, my wonderful Case Manager and in the note I have added some stickers for Ian. 
Over the weekend I have given some stickers to Armando one of the sup, for his son Scott.  
I have also seen Brandy the other sup, and give her a flower. I like to give back to CNS what I have received. \Anyway I need to go in a short while, enjoy the gift of today
I know Simona and our kids are safe and they are working hard at home on their many activities
So don't you worry my love, it is all good, I am good and as mentioned to you Sarah is really taking care of everything
I love you Simi. Bacia is broccoli da parte mia 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday 16 March

Well, this is the post for yesterday evening outing. We went to the Maya  Cinema with all the patients.

I saw 300 rise of an empire  which is the story of the fight of the Greek lead by The general Themistocles against Xerxes  the Persian invader of Greece
The story goes that the Greek soldier are holding ground at the famous Thermophiles, and they are fighting hard for their freedom as nobody is forcing them to be there as a soldier. They are true free people, they are common citizen turned soldiers.
The movie show the resilience of the human spirit faced with adversities. It is a good movie for everybody.
I ended up saying hi to Shawn and Gabriel both  I normally meet at the Maya theater.

 I loved the movie and the adaptation to the modern time. I would really interesting the acting and the characters playing by the different actors.
Well it is an inspiring moving for me, as we are all fighter for our believe, and for our own family

Well allow me to switch gear this morning I have been walking in the park for about one mile, it is good being able to do thing one step at the time.As it is a weekend I don't need the newspaper

My beautiful wife and Sarah my wonderful case manager - as all case managers they are really wonderful- but allow me to prefer Sarah as she as been my mentor and guiding person for the past 2 years.

Well the interesting news for today is that Alibaba is going to IPO in US, it is the largest IPO in US since the last couple of years. Alibaba is the Amazon-style website from China, and it is a highly successful enterprise. I heard that Yahoo was an earlier investor on Alibaba, so I believe that Yahoo is going to profit handsomely from Alibaba 's IPO. This shows that Internet commerce is alive and redefining the brink and mortal business 
You know it is hard to stop progress, by definition progress goes trough cycles of creation and destruction

As greek used to say -Panta rei- which means all things are flowing! Believe me the Greeks are always right!
Not because they bit the Persians at Thermophiles.. Actually they are always right because they had the will, freedom and will to be the winner at the time. Free people can do amazing things given the right opportunity

I speak out of personal experience, and Simona can attest she has been doing an amazing job for the past 2.5 years. Well I have to say and conclude that I am very proud of Simona..

Wherever you are and whenever you have time for yourself, I am always proud of your accomplishment in life.
Stay strong my love, as you know Sarah and all CNS are covering my track!

I wonder what it is going to happen in the world, things are on turmoil, look at Crimea as it has decided to break away from Ukraine. North Korea is also working on its test missile launching to defend itself from a possible US lead invasion.

Note When do you have time to dance Zumba with me? :) I know you are going to a different gym so if you don't' mind I will be going ahead while you are busy..Today I am going to do recycle and then to church, tomorrow I I will go to the gym. And tomorrow the water bottle should be here, this is the 10th water bottle, you mentioned many time that I am worst than Chicco with my water bottle, but you see I am really wondering where the old water bottle is gone. As Sarah says- what is done is done- alright I am sure she is right.
Alright I need to go
My love please wait for me, as I getting back to you at home.
Please give a hug to Chicco and Lapo
Baci Baci

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday March 15 posting For Simona

Today at Trader Joe's I greeted everybody, I said hi to Jamie and Andy both of which I consider being my friends. I have also purchased some Sushi, and eat it with Simona. I have to say whenever I eat with her I feel great. It For me it is easy to say that Simona is most definitely better that Sushi, I have however to remind myself that I love her  as much as I love my good food. She is a unique person for me, as Sushi is a unique food for me. Well I have a penchant for Simona-my wife- I am sure you will understand it.

I need to work on something different

My grocery went well, I stayed on budget-well almost- and as I brought my bag Simona's number got entered in the raffle. I am sure soon or later she is going to receive the winning call. I have also remembered to get stickers for Ian, the youngest son of Sarah-my awesome Case Manager. Well all case Manager are great, Shawn Laura and and Tana are all doing a great Job. I have discovered that Shawn as a twin brother Scott, you can hardly tell them apart.
Welll as I am writing to you it is all good.
Simona my wife took Chicco to play tennis and then both the boys did some swimming.
I miss her greatly, but at the same time I feel her closer than ever. Such is life and my wife knows that it is a matter to get going every day.
Well right now I need to go
Have a great day all!

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14: it is PI day!

Alright I was able to delete a previous post that had a picture for another customer- sorry for that- and thanks to Dustin for point it out to me. I appreciate your feedbaclk
Today I had a visitor Tom passed by and got a coffe with talked about his and my family

I was asked by Dustin at the clinic to post a family tree, so here it is is one of Chicco's homework with the kind help by Anna, my mother in law
It tells the story of both our families, from my home town Verona to Simona's hom,e town Romne

Today for RT we went to Action Sport to work on the climbing wall. I appreciate the opportunity that it offered to me. I reached the top a couple of time. Then I got tired. I realized I need to shed a few more pounds from my belly. Steve recommended me  to stop eating wheat, I have been eating in the morning too many pancakes that contain quite a lot of wheat. I will be having my couples of hard boiled eggs

After the recreational therapy, I had counseling group with Don. It is all good!
So here is a view of the climbing wall!

The logo is cool this is why I tool a picture of it. I need sometime to remember how to read it best
It is going to be for another day

Simona and the kids are well, and this is important to me, you know space and time is all relative, my wife is always with me whenever or wherever I go, she is always with me!
Enjoy the reading
Giuseppe and family

March 14 2014

Alright today is a very good day to work on my blog
I had a really good night of sleep, I woke up energized like the battery "Energizer" :)
I am a happy camper overall. I know that Simona and Sarah have my back covered
As a result of my good night sleep I have prepared a very Yummy breakfast with egg pancake and Salmon
Of course coffee was part of my daily breakfast. I also have drunk my milk as in a few days it goes bad.
Anyway I had my breakfast together with Simona and Sarah both are awesome person.

the good aspect of me is definitely that I have really good green eye, at east my wife like them very much. I am wearing green today to make sure my  clothes matches my eye color. I am sure Simona appreciate it. 

This morning I wake up early, said hi to everybody at the apartment, I like Goofing around with James, Brad who is finally back and  he is doing well. I greeted him warmly as usual
At the apartment Ceasar is helping out to provide some more manpower while Brad was out.
Garry the other maintenance guy told me that he is ready to move to his new place this week. He is very happy has each children are going to have his own room

As far as me, I completed my  memory task that Zeina Saba my CR therapist that I have completed on time. 
Yesterday I went to the gym to dance Zumba with Mike. I had a lot of fun. I leaned that Mike is a busy dad he has four children. At the gym (my gym is on Gosford road a couple of miles from the apartment)  (http://24hourfitness/) 
Simona my wife is not coming this weekend as she is going to travel next week from Monday 31st to Friday 4th . she is going to S.Diego attending a conference of Meteorology which is held every two years. She is going with four students and one postdoc of her. Our kids are going to be covered by Anna my mother in law who will be coming back on Time
Simona is going hopefully to find the time to come back on on April 1st as it is our youngest son's B-day. Lapo is turning 5! Happy B-day Lapo
Lapo is the young boy at the right hand side of the table. Simona is at the center and Chicco is on the left hand side of the image.
As far as I remember we don't have any girl around, the broccoli -as we call our kids- are grown up and our family is set with four people

I need to run now 
Have a great day!
Giuseppe Simona and broccoli

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday March 13

Alright, I am working from CNS on my personal blog, I am also maintaining a blog for CNS which is a shared blog. Anyway I am working now on this personal entry
I am fine, both Sarah my wonderful Case Manager and Simona my wife are doing a very good job in keeping me out of trouble. I really want to go back to my family, this is what I desire most and Sarah knows it very well
Today for lunch I have had Mole with Staffed mushroom. I like cooking at home and at the apartment whenever I have time I cook. Simona knows it and she let me cook. In the picture below It is shown my new hat that Simona sent me, it says Caltech Dad ... I asked for a Caltech Dude but Simona told me it was sold out. I guess this hat  is absolutely fine with us.

Today I did my PT carefully, Step by step while my balance is improving I walked almost 2 miles! I used to run further but after my fall I am walking carefully by particularly applying some inclination to the treadmill.
It is part of the process, and I am complying with my program

I want to be safe outside and inside, and Sarah- my wonderful Case Manager- knows it very well. Whenever I have a problem I rely on her insight and direction to find my way back. You see I tend to loose my balance and more importantly my sense of direction, this is very common with TBI. But at least I can rely on Sarah and my wife to find out my true self. I trust them all to stay on balance
As I am working on this blog I am thinking about Sarah words: " Giuseppe you have to move on" I am moving.. what is done is done! Sarah tells me always.
She really take care of me and I am taking good care of her and of her family. Together with Simona and my wife, Sarah has become my confident and protector. She does what she can after all it is my job to do my part. And I am doing it.

Anyway I am always at the gym, as I told you before, I go as much as I can at 24hour fitness on Gosford Rd
I have become familiar with all the club personnel, Carlos at the reception, Lydian who works at the reception - she told me she has a nice cat- Naomi the gym manager, she has s 10 years daughter and a 6 year boy, about the age g our sons: Lapo turns 5 at the end of April (he is a April fool boy) and Chicco is 8 years old.
The boys are really good, Simona my wife keeps them really active. For instance the eldest  plays Tennis twice a week while both the boys are going to swimming lesson at the Rose-bowl
They are very active. Lapo is a good student at his elementary school- he is attending III grade in the public school at La Canada, while Lapo well he is still going to Pre-K at Caltech, where Simona my wife works.

The boys are well, this is a picture of my family. I am going to post this and get back to you

The picture above is for my family, Simona at the center, Chicco on the left and Lapo on the right
They  are my balance and my ceneter, I want to go back to them safe and deserving their respect and love.
I miss them all dearly, but CNS and Sarah knows what to do with my recovery. As far as my wife is with me and I stay with her, I am well. In life we all choose a path that might not be a straight path but I have choosen my path long time ago, and right now I am heading back home. We all know some time we make a false step but the key is to recover and to move on.

Anyway it is a long story to say I love you Simi and I am waiting for you, You are doing a wonderful job.
I am running back home to you. You always joke with me as you mention I should be fitter as home is more than 200 miles away, but hey I am ready to run 200 miles!. I just need to remember to bring something to drink.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12 posting

Alright I am working today on this entry, early this morning we did Yoga with Tina, and as next week Tina is retiring to her house up north, there was during today's lesson the new teacher. Her name is Amy Kobe. It is an easy name for me to remember. She looks really good and patient with us. She is going to start next week since Tina last days is next Wednesday
Well in the meanwhile I have brought a little present for Ian, Sarah's little son. Sarah is my Case Manager and we are really take care of each other. I care about her and her family and she cares about Simona and the boys. Speaking of my family I talked to Simona early during lunch and she is doing fine. This weekend I will not see her as I visited  them  last weekend. We had a good a good weekend, The boys did a lot of sport and Chicco was playing tennis in a new posh place in Pasadena.

We have been leaving in many places in California, originally we had a rental in Pasadena at the Holy Street Village apartment. This was my first place in California, when Simona joined me we stayed there for a little bit. Then when Chicco was born we purchased a condo on the West Side (WestWood) a nice condo
Afterward we move to a rental place in Catalina avenue in Pasadena, a large house owned by Caltech
Then we purchased our current place in La Canada, while we were renovating La Canada I got injured and since we add all the blueprint and contractors set up Simona decided she did want to complete the job

Alright now the light part: this is me goofing around at lunch. I had mole today, I did not know it is a Mexican food, for me it is called Pollo alla Cacciatore, but here at CNS they told me its proper name is Mole

Now some serious  news

World news: the situation in Ukraine  is still tens as the parliament of Crimea votes to join Russia. Clearly Russia is very nervous about this latest development

Flights to Crimea from Kiev, Istanbul and several other cities have been suspended for the rest of the week, with only those originating from Moscow landing.
The stand off is clearly tens and both parties are looking for a peaceful and reasonable resolution
Washing is clearly monitoring closely the whole situation.

Thursday March 12

Today is a wonderful day.I feel Simona -my wife- close to me and really caring for us all
I had my yummy breakfast with my family as I don't like to eat alone. My family and our kiddos are always with me
I had a really good breakfast composed by hard boiled eggs, peanut butter and honey. A good morning starts from a good breakfast

Last night I called my mother-in-law who is resting in Rome, I just wanted to tell her we are doing well. The broccoli, that is our kids, are doing well and missing her

Anyway she is going to be back soon

At CNS I left a little present for Ian- Sarah's youngest son
Since Sarah is my Case Manager I like giving her little think to thank her for her hard work

We are in this journey together
I like starting my day early so that I can say hi to everybody and help around the maintenance guy at the apartment. I always say hi to James, to Paul, Cesar, and now that Brad is back I am kidding with him as well. Brad is doing great, he is as happy as ever. I think Alice his dog feels lonely at home as he has been  staying  with her for the last three months

Alright this morning at the clinic  I have greeted Shawn  one of the  case Manager at the clinic (the others are Sara, Laura and Tana- Tana is Brad's wife). Inquired about his twin brother Scott. You can not tell them apart!

I took the bus and Jemena was driving the bus. jemena told me she is due on June 9. I am sure it is all good.

Yesterday I went to my doctor (endocrinology) dr Madrilejo to check my IGF1 level in my blood. IGF1 is a protein produced by the liver and I need a shot everyday to get better
Dr Madrilejo checked my blood work, and my weight, everything is OK, my results are in range. The next test is in 3 months. So it has been set for June 11. A week before I am going to have my blood work redone again, to get ready. This time Simona had arranged everything with the doctor ahead of time, since we have a new type of insurance, she made sure in advanced that it was all clear. I started taking the growth hormone on April 2012 almost one year ago. It is all good!

I went over there with Suzanne my nurse, Susanne told me this weekend her son turns 17 ! He is becoming a man
Anyway this morning I greeted Helen Katonsky -director of service- inquired about her daughter Victoria. 
I also found out that Shawn - another CaseManager has a twin brother -Scott- you can not tell them apart!

Yesterday I went to the gym as I had to Personal shopping to do, Renee agreed -in order to keep me out of potential troubles- to arrange for me to do Boot camp. I have met many friends of mine, the instructor told me I was doing a good job and I like it when I am recognized for my effort.
At the gym I met Maria- she is a very nice person I always meet at the gym. She has a son and her family leaves in Texas. Maria is a positive and smiling person. I like to hand out with positive persons
At the gym I have said hi to Naomi the gym Manager, she has two kids, her son is 6 years old and her daughter is 10 years old.
Also I said hi to Lydian a nice lady, Naomi mentioned to me that Lydian has a cat
Speaking of cat, This morning I met Lauren and his dog Rusty when I was going to get the newspaper
You see I always meet people I know her in Bakersfield

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11 second post

Alright, the previous post did work, so I can try to do a bit more

When I came back to CNS, I said hi to Sarah, Shawn and all the Managers who were relaxing outside in the patio
Well my next appointment to dr Madrilejo  is scheduled for Wednesday June 11. I have set up the blood drawn with Susanne for June 2, which is a day for celebration for my family as I turn 21! You know it is always good to turn 21 as it is a memorable age for everybody. I wish you could be at my 21st party, I am sure Simona would invite you all as well. But you have to promise to bring her flowers as we celebrate overall another year for me and my family. My wife and our kids are the biggest source of inspiration for me

Alright now I switch gear, focusing on my lunch. Today I brought my home made "Chicken Cacciatore" and  the NRS staff here told me that in Mexico it is called Mole. So from now on I will call it  Mole as well. It is basically chicken drums, with potato, San Marzano peeled tomato, black olive  on a bed of onion ( soffritto )
I added some white Basmati rice to it to hold together the whole texture

I have also been distributing around some good Chocolate. I normally have with me both Milk and Dark Chocolate so I can  meet any taste I meet from the NRS personnel. I like to provide them with some good chocolate, and I can see they appreciate it very much

Today it is Tuesday and I don't have to do any personal shopping so I will ask to go to the gym instead. I normally are allowed as the CNS personnel know . I just asked to my RTC is it would be possible to go to the gym today
Anyway she normally accommodate my request so that I can stay out of trouble  one more day

It is one day at the time, perhaps sometime two or tree, but the important thing in life is to keep moving, as Sarah tells me, Giuseppe you have tom keep moving forward. And believe me Sarah knows very well what she is talking about
I need to get ready now \
Have a good day
Giuseppe Simona and broccoli 

March 11

today was the big day for me to go to visit my endocrinologist (dr. Madrilejo)
He had my blood drawn performed last week, it takes typically a week to get the results back
He is typically checking for my weight, blood pressure and IGF1 -also known as growth hormone
The IGF1 is a protein processed by the liver and it needs to be checked every three months because of my injury
Susanne my nurse at CNS came with me  as usual. Today her son turns 17 so it is a big day for her family. They are going to celebrate it over the weekend.

Well today visit was uneventful- I like this words as it was used to describe Lapo's birth by the doctor who was assisting Simona.
This time Simona did arrange  all paperwork  of the insurance in advance so everything was ready
This year we are going to have a new health plan- it is called a high deductible plan. We pay out-of-pocket the first fixed amount and the rest from there is exempted

I am trying to post this little snipped and I will keep working on the next section

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday March 10

Alright it is a good Monday.
I am working hard, yesterday and Saturday I was home with Simona and the kids. On Saturday we took Chicco to play tennis at the RoseBowl tennis club, it is a really posh place. Chicco played really well together with a mate against and team of young girl. The four played really well. Earlier both Chicco and Lapo were at the Rose Bowl for their swimming lesson, the boys are really good swimmers. Lapo is doing his best and enjoying his time in the water. Chicco is swimming in the large swimming pool

Simona is taking care of everybody

I am happy that she has the time to follow up with us. As the boys were so busy we quickly grabbed a good pizza at Blaze Pizza before going with Chicco to his tennis lesson
I have a new cap from Caltech, it is a Caltech Dad cap as the Caltech Dude cap was apparently sold out

We went with Simona to grab a coffee at Intelligentsia coffee in Pasadena, it is a really good place and their coffee shown below is a real piece of art. As I had some money, I have offered to treat the family for a good cofee

During our way back to Bakersfield the broccoli were well steamed, you see this what happens when you steam broccoli that well. Anyway in our family we love broccoli, particularly when they are steamed at the end of a long day

Well as far as I am concerned I have today done walking mediation outside with Matt and while walking I have collected flowers for all my therapists and for Sarah, my Case Manager.
Sara is doing a really good job

Anyway I talked to Simona earlier and she is doing really well, Simona is really an awesome personality and a lovely person. We love each other dearly and we are clearly done one for each other.

You see we all know this aspect.
I need to go 
Envoy the day