Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11 second post

Alright, the previous post did work, so I can try to do a bit more

When I came back to CNS, I said hi to Sarah, Shawn and all the Managers who were relaxing outside in the patio
Well my next appointment to dr Madrilejo  is scheduled for Wednesday June 11. I have set up the blood drawn with Susanne for June 2, which is a day for celebration for my family as I turn 21! You know it is always good to turn 21 as it is a memorable age for everybody. I wish you could be at my 21st party, I am sure Simona would invite you all as well. But you have to promise to bring her flowers as we celebrate overall another year for me and my family. My wife and our kids are the biggest source of inspiration for me

Alright now I switch gear, focusing on my lunch. Today I brought my home made "Chicken Cacciatore" and  the NRS staff here told me that in Mexico it is called Mole. So from now on I will call it  Mole as well. It is basically chicken drums, with potato, San Marzano peeled tomato, black olive  on a bed of onion ( soffritto )
I added some white Basmati rice to it to hold together the whole texture

I have also been distributing around some good Chocolate. I normally have with me both Milk and Dark Chocolate so I can  meet any taste I meet from the NRS personnel. I like to provide them with some good chocolate, and I can see they appreciate it very much

Today it is Tuesday and I don't have to do any personal shopping so I will ask to go to the gym instead. I normally are allowed as the CNS personnel know . I just asked to my RTC is it would be possible to go to the gym today
Anyway she normally accommodate my request so that I can stay out of trouble  one more day

It is one day at the time, perhaps sometime two or tree, but the important thing in life is to keep moving, as Sarah tells me, Giuseppe you have tom keep moving forward. And believe me Sarah knows very well what she is talking about
I need to get ready now \
Have a good day
Giuseppe Simona and broccoli 

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