Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday March 3 2014

Well, I am wrong, the picture below is Lapo -our second son- when he was 1 year old.
Oh my memory... likely Simona is keeping track of our family history
Today I did a lot of good work, at least I apply myself in doing my best, which is what is important

At the apartment the news is that Brad is back, he has been out for a couple of month because of an injury to his foot. I greeted him well, he is doing well. A bit slender but he is happy to be back. I think Alice is puppy dog will feel lonely at home. Well she got used to have Brad around.

At the clinic Erica-sama is back and she is my new primary CR therapist. Erica-sama has been at home as she had a little baby girl. Erica-sama told me her baby girl's bame is SUM
I think it is a cute name
You see things are coming around

On Monday we work on a Meditation, it is called Group. However Matt who normally runs the medication was out so Mr Juan Pilar filled in to run the team.

A the clinic Erika helped me with my CR work  by setting up a blog for CNS, where I can work on it whenever I work in CR. The blog is going to be structured this way
1) A world update
2) a local news
3) a feeling good news

Well, needless to say that I miss Simona my wife. I miss her smile and her presence.. however I learned to deal with it by making friendship and by talking with everybody is up to talk with me.
I am a funny and live person!

I am going to ask Simona my wife if she wants to send me a Caltech hat, as the ones I have don't reflect my current inclination.
Well this is the entry for today
Shortly I will go to the gym

The world is a funny place, look at Ukraine and Russia. It was once a stable region but it has become a source of instability

Today I have received the economist, it is my favorite reading magazine.. the second favorite radio program is NPR and I love listening to its programs all the day I am at home

Alright I need to go now, I miss my wife Simona and my kids
I am clearly getting nostalgic on my family. I know Simona is busy, she has been busy for the past 2 years since my injoury

Welll, one step after abother!
Have a great day everybody
Giuseppe and family

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should work on a family history board (digital or physical) to help you keep track of your past so you can better visualize the future.
