Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27 2014 after lunch

I am a free person capable of making my own choice, so I decided to work on my blog, it is a far better skills in life being able to type on a keyboard and being able to organize my  thoughts.
you see I am a proud and determined person, and I really like to do what I like to do, that is to say today  it has to be my way, and this is one of these way where it is either my way or the highway.

It must be all the adrenaline that is pumping right now, it must be my talking brain that tells me to stand proud for what it is right.. you see I believe on what it is right
So right now it is right for me to work here at this blog of mine, it is my own blog and my own brain speaking to you

A far better place to be in life is  to sit at a key board and to work on a computer. This is my job after all, working with a computer and following my way of doing thing. Pretty inflexible? Well again the choice is the highway or my way. And believe me my way is really shorter than the highway. I have showed you in my professional achievements in life, I dare to do better than me .. better if you can.

Among other thing I am asking Sarah, my Case Manger to have a word with her as soon as she is available.
you know, it is possible to ask for an appointment however she is so busy, and I hope she is available at some point to talk with me....

In the mean time I am working at this blog of mine, as a copying skill it is pretty good, far better to sit in front of a computer than to sit  in front of another person passing around $20 cents photocopies  worth only the paper they are written upon or presenting another useless video of a guy talking about irrelevant concept t to me. It is true I have no coping skills for this aspect of the so called therapy. I am too much of an expensive person to listening to another guy to tell me something I don't value very much.

So just to be clear to all of you, I am done with all this.. never mind I am done with your guys and I going to determine my own way (like Frank Sinatra)

You see I belong to myself, and I am capable of making my own decisions. So today I prefer to keep working here at the computer. Nobody is telling me anything. I have make up my mind.

Anyway I am really tired of being at CNS, can you image what is like to be for 2 plus years here? Away from home and my family, away from  my kids and my wife, away from my real life?  I  clearly have not got used to all this checking a controlling on me. So in a way my coping skills are assertive and overall capable of taking the direction that I am setting for the day.

I hope somebody is reading this message, it is a message in a bottle after all, but you have to break the bottle to read it 
Do you dare? 


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