Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14: it is PI day!

Alright I was able to delete a previous post that had a picture for another customer- sorry for that- and thanks to Dustin for point it out to me. I appreciate your feedbaclk
Today I had a visitor Tom passed by and got a coffe with talked about his and my family

I was asked by Dustin at the clinic to post a family tree, so here it is is one of Chicco's homework with the kind help by Anna, my mother in law
It tells the story of both our families, from my home town Verona to Simona's hom,e town Romne

Today for RT we went to Action Sport to work on the climbing wall. I appreciate the opportunity that it offered to me. I reached the top a couple of time. Then I got tired. I realized I need to shed a few more pounds from my belly. Steve recommended me  to stop eating wheat, I have been eating in the morning too many pancakes that contain quite a lot of wheat. I will be having my couples of hard boiled eggs

After the recreational therapy, I had counseling group with Don. It is all good!
So here is a view of the climbing wall!

The logo is cool this is why I tool a picture of it. I need sometime to remember how to read it best
It is going to be for another day

Simona and the kids are well, and this is important to me, you know space and time is all relative, my wife is always with me whenever or wherever I go, she is always with me!
Enjoy the reading
Giuseppe and family

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting family tree! It is good to know where you came from because it helps you to see where you are going.
