Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday March 15 posting For Simona

Today at Trader Joe's I greeted everybody, I said hi to Jamie and Andy both of which I consider being my friends. I have also purchased some Sushi, and eat it with Simona. I have to say whenever I eat with her I feel great. It For me it is easy to say that Simona is most definitely better that Sushi, I have however to remind myself that I love her  as much as I love my good food. She is a unique person for me, as Sushi is a unique food for me. Well I have a penchant for Simona-my wife- I am sure you will understand it.

I need to work on something different

My grocery went well, I stayed on budget-well almost- and as I brought my bag Simona's number got entered in the raffle. I am sure soon or later she is going to receive the winning call. I have also remembered to get stickers for Ian, the youngest son of Sarah-my awesome Case Manager. Well all case Manager are great, Shawn Laura and and Tana are all doing a great Job. I have discovered that Shawn as a twin brother Scott, you can hardly tell them apart.
Welll as I am writing to you it is all good.
Simona my wife took Chicco to play tennis and then both the boys did some swimming.
I miss her greatly, but at the same time I feel her closer than ever. Such is life and my wife knows that it is a matter to get going every day.
Well right now I need to go
Have a great day all!

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