Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday March 20 2014 First day of Spring!

Alright, it is the first day of spring, we made it even this year! It is solstice time again!
 in this images I am goofing around at the clinic while eating lunch and outside while I am drinking my coffee

My wonderful lunch -decided to eat healthy I had Ravioli from Trader Joe's with a bunch of asparagus dipped on olive oil
Of course my coffee followed afterward

Yesterday I have received my growth hormone from Simona- it is called Igf1 and it is a shot I need to take everyday. I have also received a new water bottle from Simona- let's see how long it last! thus far it is with me!
Simona sent me some T-shirt for doing sport and some socks. Simona has forgotten to send me a bottle opener but I always forget to buy any bottle to be opened! It is alright, we all forget something along the way

Today I showed my sign of gratitude to my wonderful Case Manager. I know she appreciate it, and I like showing my appreciation for her and her family
In a way she is covering my back, as at the gym they have a T-shirt saying "we cover your back!"
Well I trust and rely on Sarah to get better. To tell the truth I have had my moment, but she is encouraging always to move on. Sarah's point of view is that we can not change the past since we have done what has been done, but we can change our future. I trust and want to believe on Sarah as she is fully aware of my recovering process. Actually all Case Manger at CNS are really wonderful, but I have to say Sarah is my case manager.
I miss Simona my wife and our kids, Chicco is 8 and Lapo turn 5 at the end of this months.
They both are sweet boys

Well I am always at the gym! Today I am going to dance the Zumba, I will tell hi to Maria - a person I met at the gym and to Lydian, Naomi, Gerry and Prince: they all work at the gym. Naomi's sons have almost the same age as our kids, Lydian has a cut named Furby!
I always meet people I know in the community and for the once I don't remeber their name I ask them to repeat me again

Alright in the picture below Simona -my wonderful wife- is shown together with our eldest son Chicco who is 8. We are at the Inelligentsia coffee in Pasadena, East colorado
If ever you swing by Pasadena they make a wonderful coffee

Actually my day started really well, having breakfast with my family and with Sarah my case Manager
They are all wonderful persons, and I trust all of the dearly as they work with me on my recovery. You see my water bottle is also included in this picture, as I lost countless of water bottles.. Simona got me even this time a new one. It is clear, so that it obvious I add water rather than beer. One of these days I will make tea to see what is the reaction.  I will let you know

Well today I am going to do Zumba at the gym
Simona is busy as she is doing Zumba at a different gym, she is really sporty, she is doing Zumba everyday!
I love my wife, she has a really beautiful smile and strength.
Alright in a short while I will need to go
I hope you enjoy reading this entry of mine

Have a great day- first day of Spring

Giuseppe and family

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