Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25 2014 A Poem for Simona

This is my latest creation for Simona from last night, it based on what my brain and my heart are  telling me about my memory.

You see the story goes that when Simona and I  got engaged before our wedding, at the time I was in Upstate New York  ready to move to California while Simona  was back in Rome getting organized to cross the Ocean. Well the story goes that Simona sent me a blue T-shirt with half an Angel on the   front.  The  other corresponding T-shirt was left back in  Italy for her.
So whenever we were together and we were wearing  these T-shirt it was like if we were a full completed angel

Here it is the current composition for you to enjoy:

When we are together we are like two angels capable of flying  high above the sky
It is a wonderful feeling seeing the earth from above the clouds , looking into your eyes and being with you into space

As you certainly remember we share our wings since we share our hearts

I am watching your back while you  are watching mine.

Don't you worry too much about me, Sarah is making sure I am catching
the wind to come back home and I don't burn myself by being too close to the sun, I don't want to fly too close to the sun as otherwise my wings will melt and I will not be able to fly back home to you. 

Overall I am looking for the wind of freedom that is so familiar to us, the wind of love and tenderness that we share inside ourselves.

While I am learning to fly high please smile at me. When you smile the sky is clearly a better place for us to be. I always see you with me and with some steamed broccoli as a side.
You know that we love our  broccoli in our family

Be reassure I am always with you

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