Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11

today was the big day for me to go to visit my endocrinologist (dr. Madrilejo)
He had my blood drawn performed last week, it takes typically a week to get the results back
He is typically checking for my weight, blood pressure and IGF1 -also known as growth hormone
The IGF1 is a protein processed by the liver and it needs to be checked every three months because of my injury
Susanne my nurse at CNS came with me  as usual. Today her son turns 17 so it is a big day for her family. They are going to celebrate it over the weekend.

Well today visit was uneventful- I like this words as it was used to describe Lapo's birth by the doctor who was assisting Simona.
This time Simona did arrange  all paperwork  of the insurance in advance so everything was ready
This year we are going to have a new health plan- it is called a high deductible plan. We pay out-of-pocket the first fixed amount and the rest from there is exempted

I am trying to post this little snipped and I will keep working on the next section

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