Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18 Isabella Birtday

Today is March 18,that is it is my sister Isabella B-day. She turns.. well she turns one year older than last year. I called her last night with a good Skype video call  to wish her a Happy Birthday.  My sister lives in Dusseldorf, Germany so it hard for me to find the right time to reach her.
Anyway, I reached her, and it is my present to her. I am sure she was surprised and happy at the same time.

Today we did Yoga with Tina, tomorrow Tina is leaving us and she retires elsewhere with her family and Silly Lilly her dog

We have been having a new yoga teacher for the last few days, her name is Amy Kobe. She has been patiently following the class.
Today the clinic has been giving me a present to Tina, it is a CNS hat, I presented  it to her with pride and joy. Well I am happy to see Tina leaving happy and relaxed, at the same time she will be missed her at CNS
I've got to know Tina quite well, also her friend Damon, I meet him quite often at the gym (fitness club). Yesterday Damon mentioned that he is very sad seeing Tina leaving
Anyway such is life, everything changes, as mentioned before Greek people used to say Panta Rei - which means that everything moves around. This is what Sarah, my wonderful Case Manager always tells me: Giuseppe you have to move on in order to get better. And believe Sarah knows what she is talking about.

Back to the Yoga teacher for a second, Amy Kobe is the new teacher and she will be taking over in the next few days. She has been very patiently attending the last few sessions of the week, working closely with Tina to match her stile. I guess she is going to do a good job!

The last piece of today is that I have been paid by Michael, one of the Education Therapist at CNS. Michael is very nice, I am trying my best to keep my bill in order and this week I needed help from Michael. I The reason for my confusion is that I decided  to cut on my consumption of  sweet and cookies, as a result I don't eat any longer as much as dark chocolate nor as much as Dibs that I use to eat before.

Anyway Sarah - My case manager, Renee- my RTC and my wife Simona are doing a great job in making sure I am always following my program

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