Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wdnesday March 5

Today is Ash Wednesday, rather than going to church we are going to go for a ski trip at Big Bear
Last year I had a lot of fun, so this year I am doing my best as well.

We are going to leave today at 11:30 for Big Bear and I we will be back tomorrow evening

We are going to ski tomorrow. Anyway I will be taking many picture  to show what is like. Last year I was on the same trip and I had a lot of fun
The CNS has been really kind they gave me a packing list so that I will not forget to bring things

Anyway I well and strong, my wife and kids are with me, and the whole CNS including Sarah my Case Manager is helping me a lot. The other day I asked her for some help and as far as I can see she is working hard on it.I am also doing my bests to be back on my feet.

Simona sent me a few new gray T-shirts, she is always full of attention for me
I love her dearly and she loves me back with a care and attention that is seldom found in a person
She is my wife and she understand me very well.

In addition whenever I have an issue I can rely on Sarah Gutierrez who has been my Case Manager for the past 2.5 years. Sarah is always full of attention for everybody and in particular for me

Anyway in order to get ready for the sky trip I went to Great Clips to have my hair trimmed down a bit
As you can see in the previous posting I am now myself... well my wife likes me better this way
Yesterday I had my short air cut at Great Clips in Bakersfield. They had my file so it was easy and quiclk
Jonathan gave me a coupon for a discount, the whole things came$12 including tips.
Now I have a good and fair haircut. I have done it for Simona as I know she likes me with proper hair

I love Simona dearly and I am grateful I can rely on Sarah my Case Manger whenever I have an issue
I will not be able to post this evening nor tomorrow morning but I will be back on the eving to upload the picture I have done

Have a great day everybody
Giuseppe and family

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