Saturday, March 22, 2014

Saturday March 22

Dear Simona
I know you are busy with the broccoli today, I am sure you are having a lot of good things to tell from the place you all are. So please enjoy your staying have a good time and please watch out for the nigh altitude sun, you know Big Bear sun is really cooking in this season
Anyway this morning Tami did my coverage, first of all she is warmly saying hi to you and she encourages you to keep going. Tami is telling me that her son Dominique is going through his terrible 2 so she is busy at home. Lucky her husband Nathan is helping a lot

Anyway today I took care of my weekend activities, as you know it involves cleaning and changing the bed and doing all the clothes washing. As usual the longest part is to to the socks matching after drying. This time only two socks resulted at odd. I frankly don't know what has happen to their double!
Oh well...
I went to Trader Joe's and did my grocery shopping. As usual I spent $85 a big more than my $75. Anyway I did not buy the beer as I was already over my limit and besides Sarah would not have find it agreeable.
I have said hi to Andy, to Moses, to Lisa and to Jamie. They all work at the store. Jamie told me that her husband Thorn is doing great, that her son Logan is 2.5 years old and her daughter Delaney is 5
As I have brought my bag your name and number has been entered in the raffle. Soon or later you are going to receive the call. As agreed 80% for you and 20% for Sarah.
Today I had grabbed some stickers for Ian, but once here at home I could not find it. Anyway I will keep looking afterward.
Thomas came buy earlier to talk a bit we got a coffee together and then he left.
Later I will be going to the movie, today is the Muppet show so that I can tell something about it to the broccoli when I see them
Don't you worry to much it is all good, Sarah is working her magic and everybody else is doing their  part.
so please listen to me once in a while, enjoy the slope and be reassured that I am OK

Whenever we will see each other we will see, remember my love, our bond goes beyond space and time because it is a bond for life!

We depend on each other don't we!
Please hug the broccoli from me

Baci baci

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