Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday March 30 2014. It is a Sicilian Feast for Simona

Alright this is my posting for today.Yesterday  evening It was Movie night, I forgot to sign on so Sarah Hartford has taken care of it on my behalf! Thank you Sarah. We went  to see Noah at the late show in the evening

The movie we saw is  Noah and I have enjoyed it. It has Russell Crowe, Emma Thomson, Antony Hopkins
I like it as Noah calls God the Creator

I liked the movie as it shows the strength and faith of a person faced with an enormous task. Beside the movie is based on a bond between Moses and his wife. They are both strong persons and very capable ones. I am bot pretending to be Moses as I have never built an arch let alone add a relationship with the Creator as strong as Moses had. Anyway I have a strong love for you as Moses had for his wife and his family. In that respect I am a small Moses.. with all due respect.

At the movie there was Shawn as usual taking care of the customers and then I met Larry and Janice both of them I normally meet at the gym. Larry knows me as Joseph, this time Sarah wasn't surprised hearing Larry referring to me as Joseph. I will see both Larry and Janice at the gym on Monday again.

Today it is Sunday so it is a day off the clinic.
We went first to do recycle with Manuel I had quite a lot, as Rina -a lady at the gym -did bring me several bags to recycle, so thank you Rina you are a very noble person. Anyway it was a pleasant trip this time only myself and Manuel to the recycle center. I met only Michael as he was the only one over there.
For lunch I had a wonderful Pasta alla Norma.. my own version of it, in honor of Simona and, my love and most definitely wonderful lady. To tell the truth I was missing ricotta so I have replaced with some other cheese.

I also have made a wonderful salad with tomatoes carrot Oranges (YES the Sicilian version has Oranges) all with a light vinaigrette and olive oil. As usual I have had it with you and Sarah

It is in honor of my wife Simona.
It is everything alright,  Anna is taking care of Chicco while you  are with Lapo in your dreamland. And you are dreaming about a guy with green eyes that loves you very much and is cooking eggplants with you my dearly love. I miss you that much but as I told you many time our bond is as strong as ever, don't you worry too much to the extend that my green eyes are keeping me up on my feet you know I am going to be out of trouble, well my eyes are green but hey are only for you.. I might flipping my eyelashes around but hey I am an Italian dude I like to show off a bit but  don't you worry I am married to you.  I am back on the top of mountain with you my love, together we can fly high in the sky, please remember I need you to get there, as alone I can not flip my wings. So please wait for me and forgive me if I am going to be a bit behind you, but I will be watching your back, as I know you are always covering my tracks. And that is what love is about. we are soul mate for life, when are you coming out to dinner with me my beloved wife?

 Well as I have explained you many time I am having a trip for Johnny Cash..I live a lot both his music and his poesy. You see my love I am working my way out for you.

I will see you next time

Here is a sentence I found interesting to report: Free people are free to make mistakes you have to pick and choose... I have heart it at NPR radio about the upcoming movie "The unknown Known '

Well I am sure it make all sense for you I hope so, please do take care of yourself as I am taking care of myself
Giuseppe.. the Italian guy that has so many fans in Bakersfield. Among them Sarah and Simona the two biggest supporters of mine

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