Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Thursday March 12

Today is a wonderful day.I feel Simona -my wife- close to me and really caring for us all
I had my yummy breakfast with my family as I don't like to eat alone. My family and our kiddos are always with me
I had a really good breakfast composed by hard boiled eggs, peanut butter and honey. A good morning starts from a good breakfast

Last night I called my mother-in-law who is resting in Rome, I just wanted to tell her we are doing well. The broccoli, that is our kids, are doing well and missing her

Anyway she is going to be back soon

At CNS I left a little present for Ian- Sarah's youngest son
Since Sarah is my Case Manager I like giving her little think to thank her for her hard work

We are in this journey together
I like starting my day early so that I can say hi to everybody and help around the maintenance guy at the apartment. I always say hi to James, to Paul, Cesar, and now that Brad is back I am kidding with him as well. Brad is doing great, he is as happy as ever. I think Alice his dog feels lonely at home as he has been  staying  with her for the last three months

Alright this morning at the clinic  I have greeted Shawn  one of the  case Manager at the clinic (the others are Sara, Laura and Tana- Tana is Brad's wife). Inquired about his twin brother Scott. You can not tell them apart!

I took the bus and Jemena was driving the bus. jemena told me she is due on June 9. I am sure it is all good.

Yesterday I went to my doctor (endocrinology) dr Madrilejo to check my IGF1 level in my blood. IGF1 is a protein produced by the liver and I need a shot everyday to get better
Dr Madrilejo checked my blood work, and my weight, everything is OK, my results are in range. The next test is in 3 months. So it has been set for June 11. A week before I am going to have my blood work redone again, to get ready. This time Simona had arranged everything with the doctor ahead of time, since we have a new type of insurance, she made sure in advanced that it was all clear. I started taking the growth hormone on April 2012 almost one year ago. It is all good!

I went over there with Suzanne my nurse, Susanne told me this weekend her son turns 17 ! He is becoming a man
Anyway this morning I greeted Helen Katonsky -director of service- inquired about her daughter Victoria. 
I also found out that Shawn - another CaseManager has a twin brother -Scott- you can not tell them apart!

Yesterday I went to the gym as I had to Personal shopping to do, Renee agreed -in order to keep me out of potential troubles- to arrange for me to do Boot camp. I have met many friends of mine, the instructor told me I was doing a good job and I like it when I am recognized for my effort.
At the gym I met Maria- she is a very nice person I always meet at the gym. She has a son and her family leaves in Texas. Maria is a positive and smiling person. I like to hand out with positive persons
At the gym I have said hi to Naomi the gym Manager, she has two kids, her son is 6 years old and her daughter is 10 years old.
Also I said hi to Lydian a nice lady, Naomi mentioned to me that Lydian has a cat
Speaking of cat, This morning I met Lauren and his dog Rusty when I was going to get the newspaper
You see I always meet people I know her in Bakersfield

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