Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25 2014- A post about Johnny Cash and Simona

I have recently downloaded an album about Johnny Cash, all the classical songs. I really like it! I share this latest discovery with a lot of people among other Lester, my friend and mentor at AltaSens. He agrees that the collection of songs is worth the time and the effort.
So right now I have become a fan of Johnny Cash

Actually the good thing is that all the therapist at CNS are doing a great job working hard for us, and working hard to make our staying as pleasant as possible. They are all great people. I came to appreciate their effort and their determination to keep up with everybody. You see the philosophy her at CNS is that  tomorrow is always another day to get better and to compete the job that was left dangling around.

So today I feel obliged to thank all the therapists at CNS and above all Sarah my wonderful Case Manger
She is always smiling at me and being my strongest cheerleader, together with Simona my wife they make a formidable duo that is ready to go a long way for me.

So rather that completing this post with Johnny Cash I would like to think about Simona  (pictured below) and her courage and strength

Simona and our kids are the glue of our universe, so it is clear that they are keeping it together while  I am moving on 

Right now I am working on my strength and balance, today we did Yoga with Emy Kobe as Tina retired, tomorrow we have balance in Yoga. Later today I will go to the gm as I don't have anything to buy as Personal shopping I am better going to the gym so that I am staying out of any troubles
Well, I am doing my best to stay out of troubles, and I am determined to get back to my own family, more that ever. I am planning to run back home, so I am better to get in shape for a long run. It will take me a while yet, but hey.. one step at the time.

Sometime two 
Alight I do appreciate your kindness guys and your pleasant disposition with everybody
I need to get going
Have a great day

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