Wednesday, March 5, 2014

broocoli and ice cream

Well, Let's admit it it is an odd combination: Broccoli with Ice cream! But Simona and I like it very much, you should see what the result looks like! It is a delicious and satisfying treat for the whole family
The broccoli have a great afternoon and the parents.. well we have the chance to enjoy the family outing for a few hours. We like the way it is: broccoli and ice-cream do mix very well
You should try it once in a while

Simona is a real Angel with a capital A, you know she is so patient and understanding with everybody including me, she knows sometime I am behaving like Lapo our youngest son
But like Lapo I am always coming back to Simona our favorite and loved person.
Well like Lapo I am always coming back to Simona my wife. The difference is that Lapo is going to be 5 at the beginning of the next month, and I am ...well let's say I have passed Lapo's age since a while.
Aright Happy Ash Day to everybody
thank you all CNS, Sara, Simona and ...the list is going to be very long

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