Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st second post

At Trader Joe's I have also got stickers for Ian. Ian is Sara's son and he likes very much playing with Stickers. Whenever I have the chance I am bringing to her some stickers for her family. It is a nice gesture since Sara, my Case Manager, really takes good care of my recovery.

Remember the Journey is the reward, and we have been rewarded many time in life. As both Sara and Simona can attest you very well.

Anyway going to a more mundane subject in the picture below it is showed my breakfast with my familly
Today I call it Breakfast chez Tiffany as I feel like in a movie from the 60's

I think I need to do a bit of staff now, thanking for reading my blog and please do drop by at any time, I would like to meet all of you!
At last since Simona is just back from Miami and the road condition are bad it is best for her to stay home with our kiddos, you know Simona and the kiddos, they all want their mom around rather than driving to Bakersfield for four hours. I fully support this view. I am sure that Chicco will have some homework and Lapo o well Lapo is simply Lapo. And next month he is going to turn 6!

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