Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday March 29

Already it is almost April. Today to clinic it is my day off.. this morning I took care of the house did my normal routing of cleaning and washing everything. Do you believe that pairing my socks takes that much time and focus? Anyway I did my grocery shopping at my favorite shop, i.e. trader Joe's
Over there I am very popular. I had the chance to talk to Jamie one of the store employee, when we have the chance we always exchange information about life and our families. She mentioned to say hi to Simona and the boys, I explained that Lapo is going to turn 5 at the beginning of April (yes he is an April fool boy!)
Jamie mentioned that her husband Thorn is well, and that her son Logan is now 2.5 years old an her daughter Logan now 5 will start home school. It is a little experiment for her family
Over there I was introduced to Denise a new employee. I introduced myself and explained to her why I was there and who I am. I think that I did a good job and I joke with Jamie going trough our history. Anyway she is sending her best regards to Simona and our kids
As a matter of fact Simona is going to be traveling to S.Diego for a conference next week
Anna -my mother in law- and Simona's mom is back in town to help her by looking after the broccoli as they are staying back in town while Simona is traveling.
Simona is going to be in S.Diego for the next week and afterward she is back in town for a bit in time to say hi to Lapo who turns 5 on April 1st and then Simona is going to the East Coast (New Hampshire)  for another conference. I believe Simona is going to bring me back something from both trip. I think she is going to bring me back her heart, her smile and her eyes. I know my wife, she is going for the important staff and for my weak point. I confess I have a weakness right on my left part of the body for her, obviously my heart belongs to her. But you don't have to worry about my heat it belongs to you as my green eyes.. pictured below

And now my goofing around with my computer and phone.. a composition for Simona

It is a self portrait less flattering than it was supposed to be but who am I? I am the one with the green eyes that so much is in love with  his wife. Why I am so popular with all of you? Because I am an Italian sweet Dude.. As I am trying to reach for my beer I always misplace it in the rear. It is lost like my car? I bet Simona has a good recollection on where they both are
You know, I really feel my
Wife is fine, she is so great to move on by taking care of everything this is what love means for us
I love my wife and I know she loves me back. Lately  she has been
Busy running the whole business without my green eyes around but I know that if there is a person in the world that can do it, it is my wife

Don't you worry Simona many are going for the green this year but you are the one that has already won my eyes and my heart..

Beside remember that the broccoli are green too? So this year we are all going for the green....

I bet Sarah will agree as well....on Monday I need to check with her

Next time my love do you wear green too?

By the way this little piece if for you.

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