Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday March 31

Yesterday we went to church with  Britney, we went to S.Francis church. The church was full. The priest celebrating the function did an excellent job. He talked about the Lentils season and about what fasting means in our life. Here are a few notes I took: during the lentil season we need to
1)  fast from passing judgement
2) fast from complaining
3) fast from hatred and anger
4) fast from resentment and victim-ism , that is no bitterness
5) fast from spending too much money or time

We need to ask the Creator to touch our heart and life
We can do small things pleasing God and they will bring joy in your life

As church I have greeted the couple that always lead the singing in church. She is Stephanie and he is Marc (like  in the Bible,  he told me)

Alright it is beautiful Monday . Tomorrow it is April 1st (April fool) and most importantly it is Lapo B-day -our second son. Lapo will turn 5 years old. I am very proud of his achievements. Simona is going to be traveling to S.Diego for a conference. It is an important meeting that happens every two years. She is going to be therewith four students, a post-doc, and of course Simona. Overall 6 people

Simona confirmed she will not have time to swing by home for Lapo's birthday, anyway over there we have Anna at home. Anna is Simona's mom and she is taking good care of the boys, besides the boys love Anna very much.

Simona is going to be attending the conference in S. Diego the whole next week. I know she is well, as she is working hard for the whole family. I hope she is going to have some time to take care of herself. I know when she goes around she is always working hard and hopefully she is finding time to take care of herself
I know my wife, and I feel in my heart she is going to be OK

Today I should be receiving an interesting book that I asked Simona for. I read the Economist's review and it is clearly resonating with me.

As a thank you note, I have given to Sarah my awesome Case Manager a nice letter and some stickers for Ian her youngest son. You know whenever I can I like to show my gratitude for her hard work and her care for me. I am probably one of her many projects, but nevertheless I am as important to her as she is to me
Here is anyway my morning day, I like to start my day with the persons most close to me, ie my family and Sarah  my Case Manager

I like to think that Sarah has many case to work with, but she is really important to me, and I am likewise very important to her. Every time I feel in trouble I talk to Sarah, and I trust  she is going to take care of my well-being.  As mentioned before Sarah is really an awesome Case Manager. She is forgiving and she is proving good insight into my recovery  

Anyway Happy B-day Lapo tomorrow you are turning 5!

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