Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19 Wednesday posting

Mach 19, it is father's day in Italy and we celebrate St. Joseph
As my name is Giuseppe (Joseph) this is my day to celebrate my fatherhood and my name

Today I have been crunchy at the clinic, I recognize it but it is one of these day. Anyway what is done is done (Sarah docet)
Today I have received my IGF1 growth hormone I need to get a shot everyday as my brain does not generate enough hormone. The package below shows by gift for today
Simona my wife is really on top of everything. I am sure I am deserving her love and attention. I know she is well and busy with school. Last time we talk she had a cold and still working at Ca tech doing exams

Anyway today I did Yoga for one last time with Tina, she is retiring in Silver Lake. Amy Kobe is the new yoga teacher, she has been overlapping Tina for the past few weeks, to enable an easy transition
Such is life: Panta Rei, ie All changes constantly.. Here I am showing off a bit about my knowledge   of ancient philosophy, but what can I do, it is part of being me!

The plan for today is to go to the gym at 5:45. I am going everyday except on Saturday-movie and on Sunday church. Once in a while I skip Tuesday whenever I need to do Personal Shopping, but I am trying to minimize these events.
Well, I am happy that Simona and our kids are fine

Sara  - my Case Manager- is looking after my recovery as well.
We take care of each other as much as possible.
Anyway I need to go now
Happy Father's day to everybody
Giuseppe and family

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