Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 18 Second post

Alright, tomorrow is St. Joseph which is my name's celebration day, also know in Italy as Dad's day

As Simona can attest you I am a dad and also a dude, this is way she sent me the hat below. I think I have already post it, but hey I am very proud of my wife and of my hat...

Speaking of item related to my health, Simona has made sure that my growth hormone would be delivered on time, by  Wednesday. Yesterday nursing notified me I was getting low, so I called Simona and she has talked to the pharmacy to make sure my ( growth hormone) called IGF1 is delivered on time.
I need to take this shot everyday because my body does not produce enough by itself.
It is OK Simona is covering my back with this medication. I know Simona is gdoing a great Job!
I love and trust my wife, Sarah my Case Manager  and all the staff at CNS. It is a long way but the only way to get better and the only way to move forward in life
I am very lucky... to the extend I keep myself out of troubles we are all fine.
I need to go in a bit
Enjoy the reading
Have a great day!\
Giuseppe :)

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