Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12 posting

Alright I am working today on this entry, early this morning we did Yoga with Tina, and as next week Tina is retiring to her house up north, there was during today's lesson the new teacher. Her name is Amy Kobe. It is an easy name for me to remember. She looks really good and patient with us. She is going to start next week since Tina last days is next Wednesday
Well in the meanwhile I have brought a little present for Ian, Sarah's little son. Sarah is my Case Manager and we are really take care of each other. I care about her and her family and she cares about Simona and the boys. Speaking of my family I talked to Simona early during lunch and she is doing fine. This weekend I will not see her as I visited  them  last weekend. We had a good a good weekend, The boys did a lot of sport and Chicco was playing tennis in a new posh place in Pasadena.

We have been leaving in many places in California, originally we had a rental in Pasadena at the Holy Street Village apartment. This was my first place in California, when Simona joined me we stayed there for a little bit. Then when Chicco was born we purchased a condo on the West Side (WestWood) a nice condo
Afterward we move to a rental place in Catalina avenue in Pasadena, a large house owned by Caltech
Then we purchased our current place in La Canada, while we were renovating La Canada I got injured and since we add all the blueprint and contractors set up Simona decided she did want to complete the job

Alright now the light part: this is me goofing around at lunch. I had mole today, I did not know it is a Mexican food, for me it is called Pollo alla Cacciatore, but here at CNS they told me its proper name is Mole

Now some serious  news

World news: the situation in Ukraine  is still tens as the parliament of Crimea votes to join Russia. Clearly Russia is very nervous about this latest development

Flights to Crimea from Kiev, Istanbul and several other cities have been suspended for the rest of the week, with only those originating from Moscow landing.
The stand off is clearly tens and both parties are looking for a peaceful and reasonable resolution
Washing is clearly monitoring closely the whole situation.

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