Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday 16 March

Well, this is the post for yesterday evening outing. We went to the Maya  Cinema with all the patients.

I saw 300 rise of an empire  which is the story of the fight of the Greek lead by The general Themistocles against Xerxes  the Persian invader of Greece
The story goes that the Greek soldier are holding ground at the famous Thermophiles, and they are fighting hard for their freedom as nobody is forcing them to be there as a soldier. They are true free people, they are common citizen turned soldiers.
The movie show the resilience of the human spirit faced with adversities. It is a good movie for everybody.
I ended up saying hi to Shawn and Gabriel both  I normally meet at the Maya theater.

 I loved the movie and the adaptation to the modern time. I would really interesting the acting and the characters playing by the different actors.
Well it is an inspiring moving for me, as we are all fighter for our believe, and for our own family

Well allow me to switch gear this morning I have been walking in the park for about one mile, it is good being able to do thing one step at the time.As it is a weekend I don't need the newspaper

My beautiful wife and Sarah my wonderful case manager - as all case managers they are really wonderful- but allow me to prefer Sarah as she as been my mentor and guiding person for the past 2 years.

Well the interesting news for today is that Alibaba is going to IPO in US, it is the largest IPO in US since the last couple of years. Alibaba is the Amazon-style website from China, and it is a highly successful enterprise. I heard that Yahoo was an earlier investor on Alibaba, so I believe that Yahoo is going to profit handsomely from Alibaba 's IPO. This shows that Internet commerce is alive and redefining the brink and mortal business 
You know it is hard to stop progress, by definition progress goes trough cycles of creation and destruction

As greek used to say -Panta rei- which means all things are flowing! Believe me the Greeks are always right!
Not because they bit the Persians at Thermophiles.. Actually they are always right because they had the will, freedom and will to be the winner at the time. Free people can do amazing things given the right opportunity

I speak out of personal experience, and Simona can attest she has been doing an amazing job for the past 2.5 years. Well I have to say and conclude that I am very proud of Simona..

Wherever you are and whenever you have time for yourself, I am always proud of your accomplishment in life.
Stay strong my love, as you know Sarah and all CNS are covering my track!

I wonder what it is going to happen in the world, things are on turmoil, look at Crimea as it has decided to break away from Ukraine. North Korea is also working on its test missile launching to defend itself from a possible US lead invasion.

Note When do you have time to dance Zumba with me? :) I know you are going to a different gym so if you don't' mind I will be going ahead while you are busy..Today I am going to do recycle and then to church, tomorrow I I will go to the gym. And tomorrow the water bottle should be here, this is the 10th water bottle, you mentioned many time that I am worst than Chicco with my water bottle, but you see I am really wondering where the old water bottle is gone. As Sarah says- what is done is done- alright I am sure she is right.
Alright I need to go
My love please wait for me, as I getting back to you at home.
Please give a hug to Chicco and Lapo
Baci Baci

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