Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26 2014 a poem for Simona

Alright, today it rains here in Bakersfield. We need the rain as it has been a very dry year thus far.I am quite sure the farmers are looking at the rain with a sign of relieve.
This morning as usual I had breakfast with my family, while listening to Johnny Cash music.Let it go is a good song. I like it very much. When Simona comes I am sure she is going to be happy to see my improved music taste... from heavy metal to Johnny Cash.. it is a good progress

Earlier I greeted Sarah my wonderful Case Manager, you see I I got to know all case managers at the clinic, Laura, Shawn and his brother Scott, and of course Sarah my wonderful Case Manager. I haven't seen Tana today, but earlier her husband Brad mentioned to me he did not see her either

Anyway I am working with everybody to be as much a joyful person.
Yesterday Matt gave a book about meditation that I started reading, then Levi brought me a magnet for the fridge that I have at home

Here is my night composition for Simona, it came yesterday night to me before sleeping.. it is based on my memory with her.. it is dedicated to her love and her smile. There is a touch of autobiographical inspiration as many facts are based on our life. So here it is :

" When we are together we are like two angels capable of flying  high above the sky
It is a wonderful feeling seeing the earth from above the clouds , looking into your eyes and being with you into space

As you certainly remember we share our wings since we share our hearts

I am watching your back while you  are watching mine.

Don't you worry too much about me, Sarah is making sure I am catching
the wind to come back home and I don't burn myself by being too close to the sun

Overall I am looking for the wind of freedom that is so familiar to us

While I am learning to fly high please smile at me. As when  you smile the sky is clearly a better place for us to be.
I always see you with me and with some steamed broccoli as a side

I love you Simona be strong my beautiful wife, be strong"

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