Sunday, March 2, 2014

Saturday March post

On  Saturday we went to catch a movie, the title is Non-Stop ( ), it is a movie with Liam Neeson who plays a pilot of an airline that is confronted with a difficult situation during transatlantic  flight between New York City and London. The movie at 6pm was packed so we had to wait for the 7pm showing, we went all together with very good friend, so I have enjoyed my company very much. I also have found the movie to be very entertaining and fascinating. It was a fast pace movie or as Simona would call it a guy movie! You know Simona loves romantic comedies but yesterday there were none so I picked the most interesting movie to me. Together with the star Liam Neeson the was a very good and wise character played by Julianne Moore
She is clearly supporting Liam in the difficult situation that he found himself immerged

Anyway it was a good movie, I have enjoyed it very much and also I enjoyed my company. I said hi to Shawn always working at the movie theaters, then grabbed a coke and some dibs. Simona would have loved the dibs for sure

I miss very much Simona during this time, but she has a lot to do with our kids and the house, and I appreciate her strength and thoughtfulness for our family

Simona keeps taking care of herself and of my recovery by showing me her attention in everysingle moment

I miss her very much but also I am sure that she is taking care of her well being, and of our kiddos well being. So you see it is all good what ends well, it is all for the best

What can I tell you I am an innate optimists, and you know I am really happy that I am here to write this blog of mine.
As I am getting stronger and more capable of doing thing I get better, I have still my moment of non compliance but hey overall WHAT IS DONE IS DONE. this is what Sara recommend me to do, the verbum is to keep improving and to keep moving along.

For instance on Tuesday as I don't have to buy anything at Walmart I asked Renee Ventura my RTC if I can go rather to the gym. She mentioned it is OK, so I am happy I can go this Tuesday as well. Whenever I am going to the gym I need to have an NRS doing my coverage so it has to be agreed and planned in advanced.

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