Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday May 30

May 30 Blog

A world update

Here is an update about the search for the Lost Malaysian Flight 370. Researchers were following what

was believed to be a ping signal from the black box of the lost Boeing 777 plane. After scouting the

Indian ocean, the researchers have determined that the ping signal was in fact from a false positive. The

signal’s frequency is at 33.3 kilohertz rather than at 37.5kilohertz as emitted from the black box. The

plane disappeared on March 8 with 239 passengers and crew members aboard.

A local news

SpaceX is in the news as it has unveiled a new capsule called Dragon V2. The spacecraft is designed

to carry up to seven astronauts to the International Space Station that is to low-Earth orbit. The new

spacecraft feature a retractable landing gear composed by landing legs and it is designed to land almost

everywhere. The technology is featuring a fast reusability, with quick turnaround time. It is a significant

step in reducing the cost for future space missions.

Feeling good news

There are pictures of the graduation ceremony at the local Foothill High School where 430 senior

students completed their school year.

The pictures in the newspaper show the local community attending the event and cheering for the


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday May 29 posting

My new apartment is ready, it is number 321. As a result of the move I did not go to the gym yesterday, oh well next time anyway.

The staff was astonishingly helpful with the move,  and everybody loaned a piece of its time to help.  I love moving around the complex as I can see that everybody is helping me-  a poor TBI patient recovery from his (or her) stroke.
My new cell  has all amenities and goodies that a recovery room needs to have. The shower curtain got a problem this morning, and Caesar  was  notified by James who is the maintenance supervisor to fix it.So I bet when I will get back to my recovery room it will be fixed.

In the new unit there is a luxurious accommodation really well suited for two patients. My staff is all blue and the other inmate's staff is green.
My  second patient roommate is quite a laissez-faire person, so  I took the lead in getting organized in the new place. I got all my utensil from the old unit, including knife and pots. Well the knifes are quite important as a good cutting tool is important to cook.
The fridge is really wide and well suited for two people, as per the picture below CNS did not spare on the appliances, congratulation CNS you managed to overdoing yourself.

I don't get people that don't know how to get organized around a situation  as mentioned earlier  today I took the lead, as I always I am taking the lead in life. I don't care about the other, I am a naturally born leader. Are you a leader or a follower?

when you have to take control of a situation or making decision for other people some of those are naturally unpopular, it is the coarse and bless of being a leader.  Followers were born to be followers anyway, all they can do is to follow the steps of the front runner.

my breakfast as not been much different from yesterday's one.
Always under Simona's watch.

Ain't worth spending much time on it. anyway. Suffice saying " J'ai bein buffe" " (in France La buffe is the pasture and it is used as a slang to indicate the animal food in itself).

Anyway Simona was curious to hear about the accommodation and has been checking on me. She is doing her best from a distance, and she is busy running her life, while I am busy surviving all the CNS adventures.

Alright as you can see I clap my hand on you all guys, I maintain my view that in Guantanamo unlawful combatant had a better treatment that the CNS inmate. Inshallah..

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday May 28

Alright, I am working from the clinic at my blog.
As I have a lot to do, I am starting early, hoping I can get trough everything.

I have a new apartment it is number 321. I started moving my things over there but I don't have any keys yet  nor it is ready for me yet. So last night I went in my old apartment 421.
Anyway the picture of the door of my new place is here: Renee my RTC showed it to me yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the gym anyway, to do  boot camp with Mike. I like working out with him, and he is always joking with me and on my wiliness to do more. Anyway Alexis came with me, at the gym. After my class I had time to spare so I have been taking advantage to do some strengthening.  Here is the picture of me working out at the gym. Alexis was coaching me on how to breath properly based on the exercise.

this morning I wake up in the old apartment and I prepared a yummy breakfast. I kept the picture of Simona my wife with me, as she keeps me company wherever I go and whatever I do. I feel we are connected by a special bond. We are the same face of an angel, and only when we are together we can fly high in the sky. So here it is, I care about my wife, I love her and together with my breakfast -for my belly- a picture of Simona keeps me company for my heart.

The little yellow egg holder is also present I had it from Simona. I use it in the morning to eat one boiled egg.
Of course I combine it with oatmeal,  peanut butter, honey and bread together with granola and milk. 

In today's newspaper I found the front page inspiring, so I took a snapshot of it.

I like it because it says that we will get thought this together

This is what I am thinking when I am giving a boost to my wife Simona, and to our kids Chicco and Lapo.
We are getting trough my accident as a family because we are a family, because we care about each other. I know I care about my wife and my kids, and I know she cares a lot about me. Simona is always busy so I am bugging her as little as possible. I know she needs her strength and focus for her job and our kids.
Beside, Simona knows that my Case Manager Sarah is looking after me. And so we are all good. I checked with Sarah and she told me we are all fine. I trust entirely Sarah and the CNS people, they are always good with me and I am thankful for their job.

Anyway this morning I did yoga at the center with Amy. She is a good teacher and she is always positive with us. We worked on our balance. I thanked here and I gave the following letter for her daughters (Olivia and Madison). It contained a nice thank you note and some stickers for her girls.

They are going to be on vacation as the girls have summer recess. Her  husband is also a teacher, so  the whole family is going to enjoy some time off. She mentioned that they were planning to take the girls to Disneyland. I am sure they are going to have a good time over there. 

After yoga, I had a really good lunch: 

I ate  some panned Tilapia  fish fillet with a medley of  green beans, corn and tomatoes. The whole dressed with olive oil, and balsamic vinaigrette. My food is courtesy of Trader Joe's, where I do all my shopping.
overall I had  really yummy lunch..

God Bless you all! Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday May 27 2014

Alright, let's start with order.
Simona came to visit me on Monday as there was no school. Since our eldest son Chicco was busy completing is research project, only Lapo and Simona came to visit me. Chicco was home working with Anna my mother in law, and Simona's mom. Chicco has been working on a research project about the Chumash Native American tribe that once resides along the coast of California toward Ventura and S. Luis Obisbo all the way up to S.Barbara.  I had the chance of talking with Chicco on the phone and to make sure that he was OK. I am sure and confident that he is doing a good job as the whole family is cheering for his success.

Yesterday it was really hot here in Bakersfield. Lapo was feeling the really hot weather and was slouching on his seat since we went to Starbucks with Simona. Lapo had to eat something as he did not have any lunch.

So Simona took us to eat over there.

While over there I got the chance of tasting a good Frappuccino caramel macchiato.. 
You see me happy with my cap!

Afterward we all went to get a frozen yogurt to a place called Wild Berry Yogurt
It is a nice and refreshing place we normally hit when Simona is in town.

Lapo got his treat per the pictures below: 

 And of course I have contributed to my happiness by eating my good and small portion of frozen yogurt

Afterward we went to a cooler place to do some shopping for the boys and finally to Target.

 At Target Lapo had to do some shopping. He really had to get a particular Lego box that was really waiting for him. 

He really looked carefully among all the boxes.You see he had a budget to maintain as Anna, my mother in law, had given him a certain amount of money to spend. So he had to choose carefully and Simona helped him a lot.

Finally he was happy as he managed to find the box he was looking for.

Once at the apartment he started opening the box, but Simona was quicker in preventing him to make a big mess and  in making sure Lapo did not leave any piece of Lego behind.

Simona got me something for me as well.. It is a gizmo for holding my egg in the morning. 
In the morning I boil an egg in water and it cooks a la coque

Anyway, today I have been paid by Michael, I have also been doing yoga with Amy. Her daughters are fine, her husband is also well.  she is taking her daughters to Disneyland for a family vacation.

Today I have also been paid by Michael, the treasurer. Thank you Michael, Sarah and all CNS
I need to go.
Have a great reading as I have enjoyed writing to you.
Best Regards

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday May 25 2014

Alright, I need to back track a bit about my Saturday. As  usual on the first day of the weekend I take care of cleaning the house, and washing all the clothes that have accumulated. Then afterward we go do to grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

It is a nice place, over time I have become friends with everybody.
In particular there are a few people I would like to acknowledge:

First of all is  Jamie, her pictured below:

Jamie is always busy, like Simona. She has a little 2.5 years old boy, his name is Logan. Yesterday she told me that she cut his hair by herself. Jamie has also a 5 years old  daughter, her name is Delaney. Actually Delaney will turn five in July. Thus far Delaney is home schooled as she is Type 1 diabetic. So their parents (Jamie and Thorn) are checking on her food intake. However her family is fine.
Jamie is always cheerful and happy to see me, we exchange information about our families. She is always asking about Simona and our sons,or as we call them "Broccoli".

Jamie makes sure that I am following my list carefully, and she is always telling me that because of me, Trader Joe's does not carry any longer any beer! She is so careful with me and my correct dieting.

then is Lisa, pictured with me: I don't know much about her, except that she is always happy to see me.

Finally we have my good friend  Andy. He is a good guy and he is always happy to see me over there.

Well on Saturday I went on a spending spree, as I overshoot my budget by at  least 60%.

Anyway what is done is done. Let's move on on yesterday afternoon.

On Saturday it is movie night. We went to see the following nice movie

Blended is  a nice comedy about  two stranger  people finding themselves together  on  a trip to Africa with their respective kids. Despite all the appearances and the unusual situation they manage to have fun together with their kids.  While their kids are blossoming in Africa, the two adults -played by Sandler, and Drew Barrymore  are finding that they are getting closer together  Also they find  that romance is growing strong and changes their behavior.once they come back home to US, they discover that they miss each others, and they are ready to change their life to get back together.
A nice movie I met Betty  and Shawn. Betty is a good friend of mine, and also a patient at CNS while Shawn is  the guy I normally meet at the Maya.

Coming back to my own family, today I talked to Anna my mother in law, and to Chicco our eldest son.  Simona and Lapo, my wife and our second son now 5, were still sleeping. As it is a Saturday let them sleep as once they are awaken they need to get going.

Chicco is working with Anna at a research project about the Chumash people, a native American tribe that  lived along the coast of California, toward Ventura and Santa Barbara. They were very modern as they were using some kind of money for their trades. They were using shells and small pearl as exchange valuable for their trades.
Well I am sure Chicco is doing a good job with Anna's supervision. As Chicco is busy reversing is work with Anna, it is best that only Simona and Lapo will come to visit me tomorrow.

Well today I was shaving myself, and as I was not satisfied with the razor, I checked in the closet for the old razor. So I am very happy to tell you that the old razor works just fine. I bet Simona is going to be exited by the news that I blow a bunch of money on a new razor that I did not needed. Well I think this is not the least of her worry, right now she is worried about putting me back together.

Well, I think having a clean shave is a step in  the right direction. At least I can go around with a clean trimmed facial hair. Well, you see I don't like to be poorly groomed. So here it is, I am happy as I look good!

Switching gear, I also called back home my mom. She leaves in Verona, Italy. She is doing fine, yesterday she had a slow day, as my brother Francesco decided to go on a ride with his bike and Sara- his soon wife-to-be. My mom walked a bit around our house in Italy, as she had no friends to walk with, she was feeling a bit lonely. Well, this morning I talked to her, and we laughed about my little adventures in Bakersfield. My mom always asks about Simona ,my wife, and our two kids, also she inquires about Anna's help with Chicco. My mom is always happy to hear from my adventures and to hear about my little activities at CNS. She mentions that she was reading a good book about Schopenhauer. a philosopher.

My mom likes reading these books. I prefer to read my weekly magazine the Economist.
Well as they say Tot capita tot sententiae, which loosely means that as we are all different we all like different things. Well this is our strength.

I forgot to mention that yesterday as usual I wrote to Chicco and Lapo, to Chicco in English and block letters, and to Lapo a small drawing with some simple letters.

I think I am going to write to Simona as well, between today and tomorrow I am going to write her a little nice letters.

Enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed blogging my activities.

Best Regards

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday May 24 second posting Anna

I forgot to mention that  Anna-my mother in law- Anna is helping Chicco-  our eldest one- with his homework. Right now they are busy working on a research project about the  Chumash people. They were the native American   people who lived along the coast of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara. Anna is very helpful at home with Chicco's homework. She helps a lot running the whole house, keeping track of the boys, making sure their are well fed and dressed, and making sure they do their homework correctly. In this regard Anna is significantly helping my wife Simona with the boys. Anna's is a very nice person, she is proficient with the language as English is a passion of her and back in Italy she was a professor of English at the high school. I guess my wife Simona has learn to speak such a good English from  her mom Anna.

Well this is it for today, now I am going to write home.

Saturday may 24 2014

Alright it is a beautiful day in Southern California.
It is getting really hot, the swimming pool at the CNS is finally open.

Anyway this in my entry for today's blog:

I have received a package that comes from the pharmacy. It is addressed  to me and it contains my growth hormone shot that I need to take everyday. Once it is opened it last only 30 days. So I am receiving a new package every end of each month. I normally notify Simona and Sarah, that everything is under control.

I had a very yummy breakfast this morning, together with my family.
It is a nutritious and enjoyable meal.  A balanced mix of fat, carbs, and raw sugar.

I have been devoting my self to the usual routine of the Saturday morning, which includes cleaning the house and doing the washing of my clothes and of the bed sheets.   The most challenging task and the most funny for me is to fold my clothes and to make sure that my socks do match indeed. Whenever I found a socks of unknown origin, I put in on the side resting assure that soon or later I will find the other one.
This morning I was kidding with Anna, my mother in law about the always missing sock. She was telling me that her husband Franco always had a missing sock somewhere. Franco was a very nice and enjoyable person. I think Simona- my lovely wife- got a lot from her dad.

This morning at 10:30am  we went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. Over there I always buy some good food. Beside I like the place as I have become friend with all the people working over there.
I am typically hopping in a healthy and good way. As usual I met Andy, who loaned me a few months ago some money and afterward I have promptly repaid him back. I greeted Jamie, Kanvas and everybody. Also I normally stop to chat with Jamie who works over there. Jamie is a very nice person who looks after my shopping. Anyway Jamie was telling me that she just cut the air to her boy Logan who is 2.5 year old. Her daughter Delaney is going to be 5 in July. Delaney is home schooled as she is diabetic (type 1). Her doctor says that Delaney is doing very well. Her husband Thorn is also doing well.
The whole  family is going to a friend's house for memorial weekend.

Anyway Jamie has become a good friend of mine, and while we chat she is always inquiring about Simona and our kids.

Today I went on a grocery spending spree and as a result got a bill for $121.29; well it is quite above my $75 sealing but what is done is done.
I have done anyway some healthy shopping.
Of course Jamie mentioned that at Trader  Joe's they don't carry any longer any beer because of me!   
You see everybody is looking after me and as a result you can't find any longer  any beer at Trader Joe's.

Anyway as I have brought my bags, Simona's number got entered in the raffle. Also I have remembered to get stickers for Ian, Sara's little son. It has become a memory task to bring stickers to Ian.

Sara is my awesome Case Manager at CNS. She is full of patience and wisdom with me. She understand me a lot better than I do, and she is able to step back a second to consider what is the best course of action for dealing with me. Well anyway, she is awesome and I own her a lot.  

Anyway while at Trader  Joe's I met Margaret who is a lady that I use to meet at S. Francis Church when I was going to do my voluntary job over there. She is a very nice lady indeed.

Well my lunch today as been really healthy. As I had just purchased some Tilapia, I have prepared  "Tilapia alla mugnaia" , that is fish cover in flour and then pan seared in a non sticking pan. It is a good and healthy food.

 As a side I have prepared a healthy salad  which is certainly a perfect match with this high temperature.

I had some quite different plan for lunch as I am reading a cooking book that is full of inspiration for me, but today I went with the Tilapia. Beside our sons Chicco and Lapo love Tilapia.

Today I also have received my favorite magazine, it is The Economist, it is full of news about the world. I like to read it during the day. It is a weekly subscription, so every Saturday I am receiving a new copy.

 Today the swimming pool is open, but I prefer to write to you and to take care of the house. Beside later today I will be going to the movie to see a movie called Blended with Adam Sandler.

It is supposed to be a funny movie, so I like to see something funny. The alternative is a good one, there is the X-man sequel that looks interesting.

I think I will go with the funny movie, it is supposed to be every entertaining and simple like any comedy has to be.

Well I have just called home and talked to Simona, my wife, she mentioned that this morning she took Chicco our eldest son to play tennis with Mike. Afterward she took Lapo our youngest son to have his hair trimmed. Chicco is now 8 years old, while Lapo is 5 years old. The boys are growing up well and strong.
It is all the credit to Simona's effort and to Anna's effort as she has been backing up Simona a lot.
Well Simona mentioned that she is going to send me some pictures of Lapo with his new hair style.

Simona also confirmed me that at home they have received the letter that I sent to her and to the boys. I normally write to the boys during the weekend. A letter for Chicco and a drawing for Lapo. For Chicco the letter is written in English and block letters. For Simona I write her in Italian and I am sure she follows me everywhere.
 Well, my wife is my wife always, I am very proud of her heroic strength and wiliness to cope.
I guess this is my initial entry for today. I will try to get more at a later time. Please enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed writing.]
I think I am going to write home.


Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday May 23 posting

it is a nice day in Southern California. It is getting warmer and warmer in Bakersfield, today it is going to be 79 F.

My day started with a very yummy breakfast together with my family and a picture of Sara, my fearless Case Manager. Sara is doing her best to make me stronger and more independent, and I appreciate everything she is doing for me and enduring from me. Sara's best line is that "we are worthy", I am sure we are worthy for everybody's  effort.

Today I had my daily stroll at the park where I get my  newspapers. There are two stands near the apartment, the one in the park is always working while the one near the apartments is quite often jammed.
So I learnt to go to the one farther in the park.

I like walking over there in the morning, it is a good routine to start my day.
As I snapped this picture of the Park sign and so here it is.

This is a picture of me  in the park showing it is a good day! 

At  the clinic I worked  at my PT. I run on the treadmill a couple of miles. As I am getting stronger and faster I can run more and more. Sara knows it and Nick my PT therapist are aware that I like it, so they let me run. Always in a safe way.

Later on after my PT we went with Erika-sama at  the local Starbucks from some community work. We drove with her nice Prius. As usual I snapped an Image of her number plate from the back.
 If you look closely you will see an image of me reflected above the Toyota logo. I am the guy with the hat. My hat says Caltech dad.

Erika-sama is a nice therapist full of attention and care for everybody.
While at Starbucks  I asked a gentleman who was seating next to us to take a picture of me as I am compiling this memory book for my - and your- record.

with Erika-sama we worked on  reordering 7 numbers from largest to smallest.
Today my score was 90% as compared to 30% from last time I worked on it.

Erika-sama is such a wonderful person and I like very much working with her. Her daughter Sun is getting bigger and bigger. Sun is now 6  months old and about to go for her immunization shots.

You know I  normally call Miss Erika as Erika-sama. Here is the reason: Erika-sama comes  from Japan and in Japan the courtesy for for ladies is to add the prefix Sama after their name. On the other hand for a man you use San. So for instance when I was going to Japan, I would become  Giuseppe-san.
To my experience Japan is a nice country to be, very safe and very well run. I personally think that however  businessman in Japan do smoke too much. I believe that it is because they all are working really hard, with long commute to work and long working hours. So somewhere you need a valve  for letting it go.

My brother Francesco is getting married to Sara at  the end of the month of May.  As  wedding presents and honeymoon the couple has asked the participants to make them as a gift their honeymoon.
They decided to go to Thailand  for a couple of weeks starting at the end of May.
Now as you know, Thailand  is  in the news as there has been a military coup.

Talking back home to my mom, she mentioned that thus far the Italian government has not told tourists to change their plans. So my brother Francesco and his wife-to-be Sara have not changed their plan yet.
My mom is a bit concerned but I am sure that it is going to be alright for them.
Alright it is lunch time.
I need to go.
Enjoy the reading.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday May 22 2014

Alright this is my entry for today's blog.
Let's start from yesterday, well as it was Wednesday I went to the gym as usual. I did there cycle with Angie. She is an instructor at the gym and she was kind enough to take a picture with me. So here it is!

Her son is doing well, he is attending military school in another state and he is doing well. Angie is a big supporter of mine, she is always asking about my family and about my recovery.

So here she is with me and in a thumb up pose. 

I   then started doing  body pump with Silvia and then my coverage was over so we came home.
Dijane coverage is acknowledged as she was over there with me at the gym.

For my safety the agreement with CNS is that I am allowed to go at the gym only when an NRS is coming with me. Yesterday as I met Larry and Janice and many other friends I started to go around the gym to great everybody, and for a second I was out of sign from my NRS so she become worried about my whereabouts. As she realized where I was she was much happier as she become worried that she had lost me. Well it is all fine.

Today at the clinic I have been running, and I did almost 2 miles. The key is that I am starting running faster and in a safer way.

I had a good lunch.. vegetarian and satisfying. 

Here is me enjoying been in the lunch room, where everybody was helping me out. 

 Today it is Tami's  wedding anniversary so I gave here a cart that I have prepared to wish her all the best.
Also Today's it is Ignacio's  Birthday, he is turning 11 years old. So I wished Jackie a happy birthday.
Simona and our kids are well, they are all holding together with Anna's help. Anna is Simona's mom and she is going to stay here in US for another month.

Marina - our trustful nanny  is helping at home as well. Our kiddos consider her as part of our family. Rightly so as she is really taking care of our house and of our family.

I think that Anna is a big part of the reason why Simona is being able to go to work and leave Anna in charge of the house.

Beside  the house, Anna helps a lot with our eldest son's homework.  Chicco is now 8 years old and attend III grade while Lapo is 5 years old and goes to pre-K. They are really good boys. They require a lot of energy and focus. So my wife Simona has been recruiting all the help she could have to keep running the house, keep running her team at the university and keep having as well some energy to think about herself. This is my wife Simona. Isn't she beautiful? Well as a matter of fact she is an Angel and she is always watching over me from a distance. I know that she is very busy running from a distance everybody, me included. So I am acknowledging her help and watchful help and patience with me.

About me? Well it is really interesting as everybody here at CNS is looking over everybody in particular my Case Manager -Sara is always watching over my shoulder to make sure I am OK.

You see as Sarah knows I like doing my PT in the morning she is quite often offering me the chance to run in the morning after some therapy. As I am getting stronger and faster I have been running more and at a faster pace. Clearly all this running make me thirsty..really thirsty,  as a result I need to drink a lot of water.

Well, today I will be going to the gym again to do Zumba with Mike. Mike is a nice person he has 4 children and he is always worked out a lot but he is Blessed as he as a large and supporting family

At the gym as published earlier everybody is encouraging me to do better and to do more
I think I need to go
Have a great day

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday May 21st entry

Alright , I am working at my blog from the clinic.
Today is a nice day, not too hot and neither too cold. This morning I had a good breakfast. I had the chance of finally opening the good honey I have at home. It is a natural honey from Trader Joe's. I think it is superior with respect to the one I had purchased thus far.

At the clinic my day has been as following CR, the Yoga with Amy. I gave her stickers from her girls, and some candies as well. She has two girls, Madison and Olivia. Amy's husband is a high-school  teacher and next week he is going to be on vacation.
I am sure he is doing a good job. I can see the impact of good teachers at school on our family.
We have two kids, the broccoli. You can see them in the picture below dressed like pirates..

Chicco -our eldest son  now 8 is on the left hand side above. He  attends III grade in La Canada. He definitely has good teachers and a good school to support his activities.
Our youngest kids Lapo is 5, he is the one on the left hand side. Lapo goes to pre-k at the Children's  Center at Caltech as Simona my wife is an Assistant professor at Caltech University.

this morning I have done Yoga with Amy and I enjoyed very much. She is a really nice person, today I brought her stickers for her daughters.  Her husband is a teacher and next week he is going to be on Vacation.
Today I have also brought some candies for Tami another therapist at the clinic. I know she eats all sort of good food. As  I have candies I have started  bringing candies for her. She has enjoyed my thought.

I enjoyed very much my lunch today: Chicken drums  with potatoes and mushrooms.

Then a healthy salad with spinach and cottage cheese and finally Tostada from Simona.

Today at counselling group we had a person - her name is CALI and she is from Ithaca college. I enjoyed talking with her and to remember how beautiful the fall season is over there. Also how harsh is the winter season. Today during group I was asked how I got injured. And I told them the following story: I am  a professional driving racer driving Ferrari cars in Italy. I was vacationing in the mountains in Savoy and while doing off-road skiing I felt and cracked my helmet on a rock. As a result  I have my TBI.

You see everybody was kidding  with me as they told me I borrowed the story here.
Well obviously I will not be able to race any longer at the level I used to race before my accident. Oh well, I have achieved my eights and all the seven world title I have gained are there to stay. The rest.. well be careful when you are skiing particularly with iced slope.

Alright enough for today I need to go, enjoy the reading as I have enjoyed my self writing this blog.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday May 20 2014

It is a good day to be here.  The weather is cloudy and relatively mild today, I thought I would have been warmer.  Today I am wearing my favorite BOSS tracksuit   as every Tuesday and Wednesday I have  yoga at the clinic with Miss Amy. She is a nice lady, her two daughters Olivia and  Madison are really nice person. I care about her family and she cares about mine. For instance the nice picture below  has been given to me by her  girls.  In exchange I send them stickers and wrote them a nice letter. I think we are all friends.

My  breakfast this morning  has been uneventful; a regular diet.  I am eating  what I like to eat and I am liking right now my oatmeal.

Anyway it is really good to have oatmeal, peanut butter and honey with rye bread. Of course milk and coffee is a must for breakfast. I measure my daily intake by myself using my cell phone, so I have everything under control. The CNS dietitian meal plan is just for your reference. I don't use it much.

Today I learnt that yesterday Dusting, speech therapist  at CNS, has passed his CBIS test (like Sarah) and he was last night out to celebrate the event. It is odd that I have not been invited to his event.. but c'est la vie.

I made another note to self that tomorrow I am planning to bring for Tami a bunch of sneak candies bar  that I have at the apartment (not my home as my home is here .. I invite to visit this link as Simona's car (her  yellow WW Beaetle   is parked outside next to Marina's on. Marina is our nanny, she is taking a good care of our kids, We feel she is part of our extended family).

Let me say to you  all of you  : " Excusatio no petita accusatio manifesta" .. it is Latin and  I am sure  you all know what it refers to. I know it and by now you are also aware of it; so let's move on from this little mixed up from the CNS organization. It is not the first and I am sure it is not going to be the last. And as I am a square person-   my reaction will always be the same. Any company that value its performance strive  to achieve the  maximum customer's satisfaction possible, as a result when I see a poor job done, like yesterday I don't hesitate to state that  in fact  it is a poor job done. It is called Customer Satisfaction.

I have always been in my carrier a straight shooter, you can't achieve in life much if you are not ready to struggle a bit with the environment and with the people defining the environment.

Well what is done is done.. can't change it (Sara- my Case Manager docet) but you can at least have your voice heard in the middle of everybody. So the next time it is better. Let's see what happens the next time
Thanks for reading

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday May 19

Alright quickly I am writing to you from my office at CNS
Simona and the kids are fine, Simona did reach home yesterday night, she is coming back from her business trip to Europe
Everybody is well, me in primis

I normally do recyclable on a Sunday afternoon, and Ernesto another patient here at CNS always gives me his recyclable to bring over the center. Ernesto is a very nice and kind person. When I see him we always talk about our family and wife. His son Diego and daughter Jahaida  are doing well. Diego is probably 6 years old while his daughter is now 13 years old. They are always busy in sport like Chicco and Lapo our two sons

This morning Lupe- the apartment house keeper- helped me by bringing to my apartment  some big dark  bags I am using for doing  recyclable as I was completely out.

here is me taking the bus this morning happy to get on the van to come to CNS.
I am always goofing around..

While leaving I remembered that I left at home the stickers that I've got at Trader Joe's. So they waited for me and I got some for Ian. Ian is the youngest son of my wonderful Case Manager Sarah. So you see every Saturday I am going to do Grocery Shopping I am doing the following routine:
- I bring the bags so that Simona's phone number is entered in the raffle 
- I get strikers for Ian
Sarah knows it and she is fine with it.
You see they are all memory task for me. So here we go as I am getting better and stronger I am following my path to get better.
Anyway this is all for today I need to go to change for my PT session
Alright this is the result of my PT session today. Sarah knows I like to run and she is doing her best to keep me moving, in a safe and proper way. Nick my PT therapist has thought me to use the threadmi

my lunch has been a yummy Tilapia with a cucumber salad.. 
I  need to go, thanks

Thank you for reading