Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday May 10 posting

Ok, let's start from the beginning
Yesterday evening I went to the gym to dance the Zumba with Honey
It is called Zumba toning and it uses some weight barbells together with body movements and a livehood environment
I was happy to see Naomi the gym manager and Darleen who works at the reception
Naomi was happy to see me coming back at the gym

I love the gym and I really like to mix with the people of Bakersfield that I find at the gym
They have all become friends of mine.

I met Leslie, Jane and Maria to name a few.
Also before leaving I met Larry who was working out at the gym. Larry has become a good friend of mine.
His wife Janice did not come, she had the day off. Janice  is a very nice person as well.
Lauren (Cris's daughter) took me to the gym.
Lauren is a really tough worker and she is really a strong person.

Today it is a Saturday and I took care of the usual house keeping work, by changing my linens, washing everything.. the longest pole here is to match my socks, but at  the end everything has worked out perfectly well.
Afterward we did grocery shopping at Trader Joe's, over  there I brought flowers to everybody since tomorrow is mother day. In particular I  made sure to give flowers to  Jamie pictured below

And to Lisa as well

Over time I have become friend with everybody over there. I also greeted Andy, Carlos, Moses

After wishing happy mother's day to both Jamie and Lisa, I briefly chatted with Jamie. She was telling me to greet Simona and our kids.
Afterward Jamie mentioned that her husband Thorn is fine.
Jamie's daughter Logan is growing up. Logan  is only 2 years old.
Her second daughter Delaney is going to be 5 in July - in a couple of months.
Delaney is type 1 diabetics so she is being home schooled for the time being. Soon she will have an appointment with her endocrinologist to check on her progress.

 I have taken the pictures above  with everybody's  acknowledgements 
Today I brought flowers - Daisy - to the lady's at Trader Joe's  as tomorrow is mother's  day

 Indeed they  appreciated mu thought very much !

  As usual as I brought my  bags and  Simona's number got entered in the raffle. Soon or later she is going to receive a call for collecting the prize.

I spent $99 without beer...clearly I had no room for any malt beverage..
This is the usual joke as my program is such that there is no room for any alcoholic beverage. Because of my injury and medication any alcohol is bad for me. Nevertheless I joke about it with everybody. You will forgive me for these are just jokes. You know it, I know it.. so we are all cool

Anyway Simona today is getting ready to fly to Hamburg, Germany to meet with Bjorn her thesis adviser. 
Indeed Bjorn has moved to Germany with his family, as he was offered a very prestigious position at the Marx Plank Institute in Munich. He is now the director of this facility. His wife Andrea is at home since she is from Germany.
His two daughters Saskia and Annuk must be teenagers by now and I am sure they have to adapt to the country, so I am really curious to hear from Simona about how Bjorn's family is doing in Germany

While Simona is traveling, her mom Anna is taking care of the house and most importantly of the broccoli, our two sons
Simona took Chicco to his tennis lesson while Lapo was playing at home. Whenever Lapo is focused on his task, he barely has time for anybody.. so he quickly blow me a kiss and goes back to play

While Simona is in Europe, Marina our nanny  will be making sure to take our kids to their afternoon activities so the boys will have a regular schedule during the day. The boys are really busy by doing swimming lesson at the Rose bowl, then attending Taekwon-do on Monday and Friday. They also have piano lesson a couple of days a week with Liz. To tell the truth since they had their piano recital I am not sure if they are going to maintain their schedule or change to a different one.
Our kids go to school in the morning, Chicco is attending III grade and Lapo is attending pre-K grade
Lapo has many friends at his place, Kevon, Andrew, Tailor, Mayon, , Matt, Niles

Simona will be traveling from today until next Sunday May 18th.
Today I am going to the movie to see Neighbors it is supposed to be a very funny movie.

Well lastly I remember to confirm to Renee my Residential Treatment Coordinator (RTC) that I don't need to go to do Personal Shopping this Tuesday so we have agreed that I will need some coverage to go to the gym
I have to say I am a real gym fan, well everybody of us as his own activities that he likes, I for one, I look forward to do sport and physical exercise.
It is all because it is good for my getting better and stronger.
Well this is all for today.
Please enjoy the posting as I have enjoyed writing to you.


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